
Brand checklist

Here are some tips and questions to ask yourself when planning and assessing your communications and marketing project to ensure it follows brand guidelines and leverages the Edge.


  • Have you contacted a member of the  team to discuss your project?
  • Have you defined your project's communication or marketing objectives?
  • Who is your target audience? Describe what you know about them, where they are and what benefit your project will bring to them.
  • What do you want your audience to do as a result of seeing/reading/hearing/engaging with your project?
  • How does the project support your unit's overall objectives?




  • Before requesting a photo shoot, have you looked through the to see if the photos you need already exist?
  • If you want to use photos from another source, do they support the Edge photo style?
  • Do you have a signed release for any people identifiable in your photos? 


Social media


Stationery and electronic templates