
Social media cover photos

Sample social media cover photo
One of the cover photos available for download at no cost.

Cover photos are displayed prominently at the top of some social media sites, such as Facebook pages and Twitter profiles.

You are welcome to use any photo as long as it:

  1. has an obvious connection to UVic’s extraordinary academic environment, dynamic learning or research
  2. is a high quality photo (not blurry or pixelated)
  3. you have permission to use the photo

Examples of appropriate cover photos:

  • Students on a field school or co-op
  • A faculty member conducting research
  • Visually interesting work created by students or faculty (no blurry snaps of research posters)
  • Photos from your events (avoid food photos, large group shots, grip and grins with awards)
  • Campus beauty shots

Please do not use cover photos without an obvious connection to UVic. A photo of a landscape, a famous building or a politically important event may represent research in your department. But without the UVic connection, you are missing an opportunity to show your department's role in shaping that story.

Do not use photos without permission. For example, do not download a student's photo from Instagram and use it without asking them. Most people are delighted to have UVic use their photos when they are asked first.

Download free cover photos

Feel free to download and use these free photos. The photo choices are the same for Facebook and Twitter, but have been cropped to the correct size for each social network.

You can also purchase a UVic stock photo from .


  • Facebook: 
  • Twitter: