
Transitioning to the Edge

Transitioning to a new brand identity is a major undertaking for any organization, one that requires a significant investment to implement and maintain. For an organization as large, complex and diverse as UVic, we recognize it will take a disciplined and persistent effort, collaboration and support to get all units transitioned to the Edge.

Most administrative and academic units have existing materials that are within the old UVic brand guidelines, and considerable effort may have been spent in cultivating specific visual identities. We recognize that transitioning away from those visual identities can be difficult, but as UVic moves into a new era of presenting a unified, cohesive identity, it’s important that all units represent the Edge in their materials and activities.

Ways to transition to the Edge

Our goal is to transition to and implement the Edge in a transparent and structured way, with the goal that by the end of 2017 all units will be fully transitioned.

The transition began in 2015 with key central projects, such as the Edge web template, the development of print templates and new student recruitment materials. Transitioning and developing materials that position UVic as a whole remains the top priority, followed by unit materials for student recruitment, fundraising, research communications and student retention purposes.

There are four paths units can take to transition to the Edge, depending on where they are within the UVic and how their communication and marketing objectives align with the priorities above.

your marketing representative in Communications + Marketing for more information.

1. Department and unit implementation support

Faculties and academic units will be part of a strategic implementation process (the Edge Department and Unit Implementation Team or Edge DU-IT) that will see their student recruitment communications and marketing materials brought into the Edge through centrally funded project management, writing and photography/videography support

Your unit must already be using the  to take advantage of the DU-IT process. If it doesn't, contact the .

Priority and timelines

Once underway, it is estimated that this process will take two years to reach all units. Social Sciences will be the first faculty addressed as part of an existing pilot program, with a schedule for other faculties being established in response to an open call for expressions of interest and readiness.

This estimate for the length of the project may be adjusted in light of actual experience. The project will have a defined scope that will be centrally funded. A version of this process will also be available for research centres.


Other than a necessary investment of time to work with the DU-IT, the only cost to units will be associated with the optional printing of any of the DU-IT materials in whatever quantity the unit chooses.

Units that need certain materials in advance of their place in the implementation schedule can use path #3 below.


For more information on the DU-IT process, contact the Edge Department & Unit Implementation Team (DU-IT) manager in Communications + Marketing:  or 250-472-5740.

2. Dedicated projects for core central units

Certain central initiatives or core units that do a lot of communications and marketing for key audiences will be able to work with UCAM to transition their materials through a dedicated project, which will be partially funded.


  • Student Recruitment and Global Engagement
  • Co-op/Career Services
  • Alumni
  • Development
  • Convocation

3. Template assistance for print materials

Units and objectives not covered in either of the above two paths (or units who are unable to wait until the DU-IT process reaches their area) can access to transition their existing communications and marketing print materials. Layout costs for these will be funded if the project meets the transition criteria. This recognizes that units, as part of an institutional initiative, would be moving existing materials into an Edge look and feel that would otherwise have been useful to the unit for some time to come.

The templates can also be used for new materials, but in that case, the normal layout charges would apply.

4. Custom projects

Workload permitting, custom projects are possible if the objectives can’t be met through #3 above. These will be charged out at $70 per hour, as per the existing university funding structure for design services.

Regardless of which path your unit is on, there are several ways you can prepare to embrace the Edge:

  • Discuss with your colleagues how your unit can tell its story about how it delivers on dynamic learning, vital impact and an extraordinary academic environment.
  • If your website hasn't already been updated to the new Edge web template, contact the  to find out how it can be migrated.
  • Sign up for a workshop.
  • Look to see if a professional flex template already exists for the item you're interested in.
  • Start using the new downloadable templates for items you can produce yourself or order directly such as for PowerPoint, business cards and more.

Next steps

All new communications and marketing materials aimed at external audiences should follow the Edge guidelines using one of the four paths outlined above.

Pre-Edge materials can be used up between now and Dec. 31, 2017 but when you update or reorder them, the new versions will need to adhere to the guidelines. If UCAM can't transition your existing materials to the Edge due to workload pressures, you may be referred to a qualified off campus firm from a list of approved suppliers.

Units with communications and marketing materials aimed exclusively at a limited internal audience, one that is surrounded by the Edge, have the option of deciding how far to move toward a full Edge look and feel, and therefore whether or not to update their materials.

A limited internal audience is defined as current students, staff and faculty, in the context of unit-specific communications and marketing. Materials aimed at current students, faculty and staff on behalf of the university or its core, mission-related activities must be Edge-branded.