
Look and feel

Martlets on display

The UVic Edge look and feel is our visual language that helps to make us distinct and recognizable. It's made up of design elements used in ways that build recognition and help tell our story. People notice images and graphics and colour more quickly than they notice words, so it’s important that our design stands out.

The UVic Edge design elements consist of:

Each piece plays an important role, but they're not always all used together. The dynamic edge, UVic mark and martlets are highly visual pieces—when put together they can compete with each other—so we need to select carefully which are appropriate for a piece. Designers in University Communications + Marketing carefully consider their use, placement and arrangement, taking into account objectives, audience, medium, design balance and scale, and their relationship to the brand overall.

The Edge look and feel cannot be combined with other elements or visual identities, including ones that were previously developed under the old UVic brand guidelines.