
Professional flex templates

Examples of brochures

In an effort reduce costs to you, save you time and increase the consistency and effectiveness of materials by tying them into the university's overall positioning, University Communications + Marketing has created a series of professional, flexible templates. They are not available for download or distribution, but are used by designers in UCAM for a variety of core and core extension materials to support your communications and marketing needs.

The templates are customized with your stories, photos and information, and—if you're an academic unit—with your complementary faculty colour.

While the templates are designed to meet certain tactical objectives, the university is embarking on a plan to transition strategic materials, which UCAM will go over with you before we employ templates on your behalf.

How the templates work

When partnering with UCAM on a project, we'll explore together if one of the templates will help meet your objectives. As we expand the suite of templates over time, we anticipate that most tactical communication and marketing objectives will be able to be met with a template. We’ll provide guidelines for word counts that will work with the templates, and for projects that support communication and marketing priorities (such as student recruitment/retention, fundraising and research communications) we’ll provide guidance for content development and images.

Pieces where the objective can't be met through the use of a template, or where the word count can't be accommodated within the template, will be treated as a custom application. Design charges would be $70 per hour, workload permitting.

Whether your project ends up in a template or a custom application, we recommend contacting UCAM as early as possible to discuss your objectives and to allow time for planning, design and production, which can take anywhere from two weeks to several months depending on the scope of the project, its relation to communication and marketing priorities and what UCAM's current work load is. If UCAM can't take on your job due to workload pressures, you may be referred to a qualified firm off campus from a list of approved suppliers.

Adapting old materials into new templates

If you have an existing piece (brochure, pull up banner, etc.) and you're ready to update it or reprint it, it may be possible to bring it into a template, provided that it meets word-count guidelines. We'll discuss if there's an opportunity and time to edit your content to meet the messaging and photo guidelines.

Funding assistance for templates

As the templates have already been designed, there is reduced cost to you to have new materials created, however there is still a cost involved in laying out your content. If you have an existing piece where you were hoping to just update the content, UCAM will absorb the layout cost to bring it into template at no charge to you if you can bring it into line with the following criteria:

  1. It's simply an update to an existing piece
  2. The objective of the piece supports student recruitment or retention, fundraising or research communications
  3. The content follows word count guidelines
  4. The work is completed before Dec. 31, 2016

Funding assistance may also be available for purchasing photos from the Image Gallery if they follow photography guidelines, otherwise standard will also come into play.

For all new materials, and old materials that don't align with #1 and #2 above, there will be a cost to lay out your content, depending on the type of template, and provided that that criteria #3 and #4 are met. The costs to you are reduced through the use of templates. All other materials will be Edge-branded through custom jobs, charged back at $70 per hour, and will depend on UCAM's workflow.

Current templates

We have a variety of templates, including brochures, pull-up banners, posters, folders, tablecloths, rack cards, signage, invitations and tactical ads.

Typical template costs (when the criteria above are met)

  • Brochure layout: $140–$280 
  • Pull-up banner layout: $70–$210
  • Poster layout: $70–$140
  • Folder layout $50–$100
  • Rack card layout: $50–$100
  • Invitation layout: $50–$100

All estimates are based on provided content being near-final, images being high quality and revisions only including two rounds.

Contact UCAM to discuss if a template works for your project.