
Sharpening Our Edge

Sharpening Our Edge is the university’s plan to guide and support UVic’s communications and marketing efforts between 2018–21. The plan supports UVic’s Strategic Framework and key operational plans in the service of UVic’s academic mission and the strategic goals of faculties and units.

The plan is the result of more than 40 interviews, surveys, workshops and feedback sessions with university leaders. It was endorsed by Executive Council in November 2018.

Built on our UVic Edge positioning, it’s a university-wide plan to which every unit and faculty and staff member can contribute. It will create a stronger competitive position for UVic among peer institutions nationally and internationally, and optimize the impact of our collective investments in communications and marketing. It succeeds Communicating the UVic Edge, 2015–18, the university’s first institutional level communications and marketing plan.

Over the long-term, focusing on the UVic Edge brand components and other institutional strengths that set us apart will:

  • help differentiate us from our competitors
  • enhance UVic’s reputation
  • increase the value of UVic degrees
  • answer the “Why UVic?” question for prospective faculty, students and staff, donors, funders and partners

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