
What can I create myself?

We recommend using the downloadable templates for internal communications and marketing materials, but you can create other internal materials yourself using the available elements. We recommend you work with University Communications + Marketing for any materials going to a large internal audience or key external audiences.

In many cases, it will make sense to have a conversation about strategy first, to help define your target audience, how to reach them and ensure that the materials you want to produce will meet your objectives. On projects, where due to time or priority constraints, we aren’t available to work with you, we'll try and help resource the project externally, from a list of approved service providers who understand these guidelines, and who are knowledgeable about the university and the needs of its units.

Create yourself

These are for limited internal audience segments (e.g. biology students; library staff; visual arts faculty; etc.).

  • Invitations
  • Posters, flyers, bookmarks
  • Digicaster slides
  • Anything built from a downloadable template
  • Presentations

Access downloadable templates

Work with UCAM

These are for large internal audiences (e.g. all first-year students; all faculty and staff) and key external audiences (e.g. prospective students, faculty and staff; donors; government; community leaders/members; alumni; etc.).

  • Advertising
  • Promo materials (brochures, posters)
  • Video
  • Display materials (booths, banners, etc.)
  • Websites
  • Photography
  • Media releases and news stories
  • Flex templates

Connect with UCAM