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Enhancing the student experience

UVic student Jason Szymanski smiles at the camera while people sit at tables in the background.

Goals and strategies related to supporting student retention and success, as part of the Academic Action Plan.


Goals and strategies

  • Review and report retention objectives and outcomes 
  • Lead and support our aspirations for enrolment diversity and growth
  • Develop new strategic enrolment targets and goals to support our aspirations
  • Enhance Indigenous student recruitment and success, including from local community
  • Ensure that academic advising is institutionally aligned and balanced
  • Equip and support graduate students for academic and career success 

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Equity Action Plan
  • Indigenous Plan
  • Planning & Budget Framework

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Restore domestic enrolments to sustainable, government-funded levels Complete. We have restored institutional domestic enrolments to government-funded levels in 2023/24, though some programs are under-subscribed (currently working with Deans on enrolment strategies to meet their faculty-specific targets). Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties

Review and revise international undergradute recruitment targets based on strategic enrolment goals

In progress. In 2023, we expanded our recruitment network and efforts, including through a new partnership agreement with Kaplan, and offered competitive scholarships. Recently completed an international tiering strategy that we are monitoring progress against.

Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties

Increase the diversity of international students by country of origin

In progress. Diversification efforts are underway in Student Affairs through our recruiters, recruiting network, and in-country engagements and outreach. China, India and the USA remain our biggest recruiting countries, but there is increased interest from countries in SE Asia and elsewhere.

Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties

Improve progression rates of students from admits to registrants In progress. We have seen improvements recently thanks to earlier admission offers, enhanced scholarships and faculty outreach. Improved and enhanced communications with prospective students with timely responses to concerns and questions. Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties
Increase the overall number of Indigenous students for undergraduate and graduate programs

In progress. Over the past 10 years we have seen a dramatic growth in Indigenous enrolment thanks in large part to K-12 pathway programs, from 1,086 to 1,495 students in 2022/23—a 38% increase. Currently, Indigenous students comprise over 6% of the overall student population and are enrolled in every faculty. Beginning in 2022/23, undergraduate growth has slowed.

Indigenous enrolment in graduate programs has increased by 41% over the last 10 years, and there are now 73 Indigenous PhD students at UVic—a 170% increase.

Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties; VP Indigenous; IACE

Develop better mechanisms for tracking outcomes for graduate students including completion times

In progress.

Faculty of Graduate Studies; Institutional Planning and Analysis

Open more options and streams for international students including by re-imagining the In progress. Discussions underway with Deans' Council in spring 2024. Continuing Studies
Develop pathway programs for students learning in the West Shore In progress. A Computing Gateway program was approved by Senate and the Board of Governors in March 2024. UVic plans to offer the program at the West Shore campus in 2025. VPAC; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; Continuing Studies; Student Affairs

Affordability, access & inclusion

Goals and strategies

  • Address financial and other barriers that limit access and inclusion to UVic education
  • Increase funding for scholarships and bursaries to support and attract students, including those from a diversity of socio-economic backgrounds
  • Ensure students' well-being is supported by identifying challenges and assessing and determining affordability supports and programs associated with the increasing costs of living
  • Provide a range of on-campus housing options by increasing bed capacity through medium- to longer-term expansions

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Equity Action Plan
  • Campus Plan

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Increase funding for scholarships

Made new strategic investments in entrance scholarships for domestic and international students starting in the 2023/24 Winter Session. 

Student Affairs

Support students demonstrating financial need

Met 100% of bursary needs in 2022/23. We will continue to prioritize bursaries and programs like work study to support international and domestic students who demonstrate financial need, which may be increasingly in demand in the context of inflation and affordability more generally.

Student Affairs

Increase funding for graduate students

In July 2024, UVic once again received a one-time contribution of $840,000 from the province for British Columbia Graduate Scholarships (BCGS) supporting UVic graduate students.

Plans are underway for temporary financial supports for international doctoral students in 2024 and 2025.

Faculty of Graduate Studies; Faculties

Support students with food insecurity

In September 2023, Food Services launched an everyday value menu and meal share program to help reduce food insecurity for students.

In 2023, Student Affairs raised a record number of donations through Stock-tober, the annual fundraiser for the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store.

In 2024, Student Affairs is actioning feedback from the latest annual Food Services survey and the Residence Dining Committee to determine affordability strategies and programs with a focus on food quality and diversity.

Student Affairs

Support students with housing insecurity

In August 2023, UVic opened the second of two new student housing and dining facilities.

UVic is currently developing a vision for a new mixed-use university district at the Ian Stewart Complex and adjacent lands and continues to actively work with government to access provincial grants and funding related to future residence expansion.

Student Affairs; Campus Planning; Executive Council; Board of Governors

Make child care affordable and accessible

In 2023, all UVic child care centres were approved as $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres. With the new fee structure, UVic families have seen their monthly child care fees reduced to no more than $200.

Spaces at UVic Child Care are focused on meeting the needs of UVic undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, librarians and staff. Demand for child care spaces in Victoria exceeds supply, and UVic continues to expand programs and services, with 37 new spaces (within two programs) opening on the Queenswood Campus in April 2024.

UVic continues to explore future expansion supported by the BC Government's Major Capital Child Care Spaces Expansion Program.

Student Affairs; Campus Planning

Mitigate financial barriers for UVic students In progress. An Affordability Working Group was established in January 2024 to advise and assist on current affordability programs and develop recommendations for additional affordability resources and supports. Student Affairs
Indigenous Scholarship program In progress. VP Indigenous; Student Affairs
Increase access to post-secondary education for first-generation students In progress. Tactics include outreach, pathway programs and scholarships. Student Affairs; Deans; Faculties; Division of Continuing Studies
Transnational education In progress. Office of Global Engagement
Revise policy AC1205 (academic accommodations) Complete. In June 2024, Senate approved a revised policy on academic accomodations (AC1205). The revised policy aligns with current law and best practices while also advancing the Accessibility Plan and Equity Action Plan. VPAC; Student Affairs; Senate


Goals and strategies

  • Work with VPI on core competencies
  • Reach new learners through micro-certificates and professional programs, including graduate professional programs
  • Innovate and grow degree programming in response to student demand
  • Engage in innovative program delivery in Canada and abroad, including through transnational education

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Indigenous Plan
  • Aspiration 2030
  • Climate & Sustainability Action Plan
  • Planning & Budget Framework

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Advance the goals of the Climate and Sustainability Action Plan through new and redesigned degree programs 

The Faculties of Social Sciences and Science developed and launched a new interdisciplinary BSc in Climate Science, initially offered in fall term 2023.

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science recently established the Industrial Ecology master's program. Their Building Envelopes and Structures MEng program is pending approval.

VPAC; Deans; Faculties; Senate

Reach new learners through new certificates, diplomas, professional programs and other non-degree credentials

In May 2023, Senate approved revisions to policy AC1135 to include micro-credentials, streamlining the process for faculties to establish micro-certificates.

Examples of new include:

Some of these were funded through the BC Government's future skills grant program.

UVic recently launched the .

VPAC; Continuing Studies; Deans; Faculties; Senate

Enhance outreach through community courses

Continuing Studies continues to offer new courses related to for the general public, including on drought tolerant plants; gardening with native plants; biology and natural history; and fungi and forest ecology.

Continuing Studies; Faculties

Expand on our already successful distributed education model with UBC At their March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors that it also approve that UVic offer UBC's Physical Therapy and Speech Language Pathology distributed programs. Expansion of Island Medical Program to begin in August 2024. VPAC; Senate Committee on Planning; Senate; Board of Governors
Secure government-funded expansions in key areas of growth, interest and demand (e.g., engineering, computer science, nursing, health information science)

In 2022/23, UVic completed its final year of province-supported expansion in engineering and computer science programs, which began in 2018/19 and included 500 new student spaces, new faculty and staff positions and student supports. UVic met or exceeded our enrolment targets every year of this expansion including through enhanced pathways with our post-secondary partners. Building on this success, UVic secured provincial funding for 600 new technology seats in Engineering and Computer Science and associated equipment funding for 2023/24–2027/28.

Secured provincial funding for an expansion of 48 new graduate seats in Health Information Science (2024/25–2028/29).

VPAC; Deans; Chairs and Directors

Secure funding and develop proposals for capital projects related to our areas of growth

Construction continues on the National Centre for Indigenous Laws and the engineering building expansion.

Developing proposals related to our aspirations in health programming and research.

Engage with the province on opportunities to expand on-campus housing.

VPAC; VPFO; Board of Governors
Revise and develop new opportunities in the Division of Continuing Studies In progress. At its March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved changes to the Pathway Program in the Division of Continuing Studies. The revisions will shift the structure of the program from a cohort to a hybrid co-location model to facilitate earlier integration and build stronger cultural competencies, as well as add additional pathway streams and increase course options. Division of Continuing Studies; Senate
Enhance digital learning and other student outcomes In progress. Deans' Council and Academic Leadership is reviewing opportunities provided through the Academic Writing Requirement to support student learning, student success and retention. VPAC; Faculty of Humanities; UVic Libraries
Curriculum revision to support Strategic Plan goals and Indigenous pedagogy Resources for curriculum redesign offered through the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation, including the new (ARI) and (SI-I) grants. LTSI; Deans; Chairs and Directors; Faculty and Instructors
Launch the Coastal Climate Solutions program Complete. Through the , which launched in September 2023, more than 40 UVic climate change researchers will supervise graduate students working on aspects of coastal climate solutions.   VPRI; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; Faculty of Human and Social Development; Faculty of Science; Faculty of Graduate Studies
Launch interdisciplinary Master's in Management program In progress. Faculties

Experiential learning

Goals and strategies

  • Ensure every student has the opportunity to engage in experiential learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom
  • Prepare career-ready students

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Indigenous Plan
  • Climate and Sustainability Action Plan

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Enhance academic supports for faculty and instructors

In Spring 2023, restructured LTSI to improve services, following an external review.

LTSI has developed new resources and hired staff to support , including to address the dramatic increase in students requiring academic accommodations in recent years.

VPAC; LTSI; Student Affairs

Expand experiential learning opportunities for students, including work-integrated learning and international opportunities In progress. Encouraging new land-based and water-based field schools. VPAC; Co-op; International Centre for Students; Office of Global Engagement; Deans; Chairs and Directors; Faculty and Instructors
Increase student participation in co-op In progress. In 2023/24, 61% of our undergraduate and graduate students participated in the program. In a typical year, we place up to 4,200 students, and 69% of UVic co-op students receive an offer of employment before they even graduate. VPAC; Co-op; Deans; Chairs and Directors; Instructors
Increase Indigenous student participation in co-op In 2023, co-op expanded their supports and staffing complement to ensure Indigenous students can access co-op offerings in an equitable way. In our latest reporting year, there were 75 placements by Indigenous students. Co-op; Faculties
Increase the rate of students with disabilities participating in co-op In 2023, co-op expanded their supports and staffing complement to ensure students with disabilities can access co-op offerings in an equitable way. In our latest reporting year, there were 100 placements by students who self-identify as having a disability or mental challenge. Co-op; Faculties
Enhance academic advising services In progress.  Student Affairs

Explore other goals and initiatives in the academic plan: