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Fostering innovation in scholarship

Moronke Harris stands at a table working with ship parts aboard a research vessel.

Goals and strategies related to fostering innovation, as part of the Academic Action Plan.


Goals and strategies

  • Lead a cohesive health initiative for UVic that supports community need and is responsive to government priorities
  • Enhance health programming through structural changes, new programs and partnerships
  • Expand training opportunities in health-related fields
  • Develop a distinctions-based approach to new health programming and raise the profile of Indigenous health leadership

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Aspiration 2030
  • Indigenous Plan
  • Campus Plan
  • Planning & Budget Framework

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Create a faculty of health at UVic to enhance our health profile At their March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors that it also approve a Faculty of Health at UVic. The ad-hoc Senate committee has shared regular updates with the campus community since the project launched in May 2023 through the project web page and broadcast emails. Ad-hoc Senate Committee on Academic Health Programming; Senate; Board of Governors
Expand on our already successful distributed education model with the University of British Columbia

At their March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors that it also approve that UVic offer UBC's Physical Therapy and Speech Language Pathology distributed programs. Expansion of Island Medical Program to begin in August 2024.

VPAC; Senate Committee on Planning; Senate; Board of Governors

Expand our health programming, including through government support for expanding existing programs

In 2023, UVic secured provincial funding for an expansion of 48 graduate seats in Health Information Science (2024/45–2028/29).

UVic is also thankful to have secured provincial funding for expansions in nursing and social work.

VPAC; Faculty of Human and Social Development

Develop a proposal for health clinic(s) focused on teaching, training and research Committees have been formed but we are still in the early planning stages. Likely to progress once Faculty of Health is established. VPAC; VPRI
Secure funding for new capital to support growth in health Committees have been formed but we are still in the early planning stages. Likely to progress once Faculty of Health is established. VPAC; Campus Planning; Executive Council; Board of Governors
Support and launch new micro-credentials, professional programs and undergraduate programs related to health New degree programs related to health are on pause until the Faculty of Health is established. VPAC; Deans; Faculties; Continuing Studies
Operationalize the Faculty of Health for successful launch in May 2025

In progress, including through the Faculty of Health Operations Group and Faculty of Health Leadership Table.

The search for the Dean, Health, is currently underway.

VPAC; Deans
Support the transition of units into the Faculties of Education, Health and Social Sciences as a result of the creation of the Faculty of Health In progress. VPAC; Deans; VPFO; Human Resources
Embed distinctons-based approaches into education and training In progress. The Indigenous Wellness Working Group submitted a progress report to Senate in March 2024. VPAC; VPI; Deans

West Shore

Goals and strategies

  • Continue advancing the West Shore Campus initiative, working with UVic colleagues and partner institutions Royal Roads and Camosun
  • Establish academic programming and delivery
  • Identify new partnership opportunities and revenue streams
  • Support student success through services

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Campus Plan
  • Planning & Budget Framework
  • Indigenous Plan
  • Equity Action Plan

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Determine a governance model that includes shared academic spaces and services

In spring 2023, established a steering committee and collaborative governance structure with the Vice-Presidents Academics of UVic, Royal Roads University and Camosun College. Established sub-committees and working groups focused on academic programming, academic policies, and student supports.

VPAC; Student Affairs; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; Continuing Studies; UVic Libraries

Welcome the first cohort of UVic students in fall 2025 Building under construction, in partnership with Royal Roads, Camosun and the BC Government. VPAC 
Secure ongoing funding for academic offerings Complete, as part of the engineering and computer science expansion funded by the province starting in 2023/24. VPAC; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Build relationships with local community In progress, in partnership with Royal Roads and Camosun. VPAC; VPI; Executive Council
Develop pathways and build relationships with SD62 In progress, in partnership with Royal Roads and Camosun. VPAC; Executive Council
Innovate curriculum by developing the Computing Gateway and offerings through Continuing Studies

At their March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors that it also approve a Computing Gateway Program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.

UVic is actively exploring micro-credential and continuing studies programming.

VPAC; Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; Senate Committee on Planning; Senate; Board of Governors; Continuing Studies 

Teaching & learning

Goals and strategies

  • Ensure every student has the opportunity to engage in experiential learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom
  • Develop a digital learning plan with goals and strategies to embed digital literacy, literacy and skills with AI tools, and academic integrity in digital spaces
  • Make education more accessible through pedagogical best practices including universal design learning principles
  • Utilize the program review process to drive innovation and sustainability
  • Indigenization of curriculum and incorporation of Indigenous ways of knowing and being

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Equity Action Plan
  • Accessibility Plan
  • Indigenous Plan

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Launch UVic's inaugural Accessibility Plan that includes resources for students and instructors

Completed in September 2023 in consultation with the 2023/24 Accessibility Committee, co-chaired by Deputy Provost and Executive Director, Facilities Management. Will review and update regularly, and every three years at minimum.

VPAC; VPFO; Executive Council

Support instructors with universal design for learning

Created new resources for instructors on  in 2023, available on Teach Anywhere. Continuing to enhance resources as needed.

VPAC; LTSI; Faculties

Develop principles and guidelines on the use of new learning and teaching technologies

Formed a working group in 2023/24 to look at the use of Generative AI technologies in teaching and learning, with consideration to academic integrity. were shared with Senate and then with instructors in 2023/24 through Teach Anywhere.


Develop a Digital Learning Plan

Complete. UVic's Digital Learning Plan launched April 2024 following a year of consultations with internal and external stakeholders.

VPAC; LTSI; University Systems; University Libraries
Adapt the Academic Writing Requirement to include digital learning outcomes In progress. Aligns with a pillar of the Digital Learning Plan to improve digital competencies of students. VPAC; Deans' Council; Faculty of Humanities; Senate

Spaces & structures

Goals and strategies

  • Reimagine structures that support interdisciplinarity
  • Create an Academic Commons in the UVic Libraries
  • Support faculties in developing interdisciplinary spaces
  • Rethink space and structure

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Aspiration 2030

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Create a languages and cultures department by amalgamating some existing departments in the Faculty of Humanities In progress. At its March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors that it also approve the new School of Languages, Linguistics, and Cultures, to be created through the integration of four existing Departments in the Faculty of Humanities: French and Francophone Studies, Germanic and Slavic Studies, Hispanic and Italian Studies, and Linguistics. Faculty of Humanities; Senate Committee on Planning; Senate; Board of Governors
Explore a Humanities' innovation commons In progress. Faculty of Humanities
Explore an Academic Commons and KULA Institute In progress. UVic Libraries
Enhance role of the Division of Continuing Studies as an outward-facing professional partner for all faculties In progress. Consultations underway with Deans. Continuing Studies; Deans' Council; Faculties
Support faculties in the effective use of spaces and structures, which includes interdisciplinary collaboration on campus Not yet started. Expect work to progress as part of the budget model initiative. VPAC; VPFO; Budget Design Committee
Create a multi-institutional course share framework Not yet started. Faculty of Graduate Studies
Explore joint programs with other Canadian universities. In progress. Faculty of Engineering


Goals and strategies

  • Help ensure financial sustainability through revised models and governance
  • Resilient and sustainable budgets

Strategic links

  • Strategic Plan
  • Equity Action Plan
  • Campus Plan
  • Planning & Budget Framework

Key initiatives and progress

Goal or initiative Progress and outcomes Accountability
Determine a new budget model for the university to ensure the financial sustainability of our operations in support of our academic mission in research, education and to expand our local, national and international impact

In progress. The Budget Model Working Group completed their research and consultations in summer 2023, culminating with a report that was shared with Executive Council, Deans' Council, and Chairs and Directors.

Budget Design Committee has been tasked with developing and recommending a new budget model and/or budget model elements for the university, based on the findings from the Budget Model Working Group. The Committee met regularly in 2023/24 and presented a progress report to Executive Council in June 2024.

VPAC; VPFO; Budget Design Committee
Increase budget acumen across the university, including through new resources, workshops and retreats

Ongoing discussions with the Budget Design Committee. Hosted presentations and forums with Deans, Chairs and Directors in 2023/24.

Planning a budget retreat for senior leaders. Additional resources expected once the new budget model has been approved by Executive Council.

Communicate more regularly about budget, including to demonstrate the relationships between enrolment and budget Ongoing. Provided enrolment and budget updates to faculty and staff on October 27, 2023February 7, 2024 and April 25, 2024. A budget townhall was held on May 7, 2024 for faculty anf staff. The annual Planning and Budget Framework is submitted to the Board of Governors in March and shared with campus once approved. VPAC; VPFO; Executive Council
Develop and share data that empowers academic leaders and informs decision making (e.g., data governance, improved reporting, dashboards)

In progress. Dashboards developed and shared with Deans in 2023/24 include: section sizes, enrolment, fundraising and research.

VPAC; VPRI; Alumni and Development; University Systems

Explore other goals and initiatives in the academic plan: