
Lecture Series

Ammassador to EU talk at UVic
Marie-Anne Conninsx, EU Ambassador to Canada, speaking as part of the lecture series.

The EU Centre of Excellence initiated the EU lecture series at UVic

The EU and European Studies public lecture series is funded by the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence at the 番茄社区, in collaboration with the Centre for Global Studies, and the departments of Political Science, Public Administration, and History.

Coming up in 2020-2021:

April, 20 2021 | Dr. Charlotte Schallié| Graphic Novels, Holocaust Memory and Human Rights

Time: 12:00-13:30 Webinar: 


Graphic Novels, Holocaust Memory and Human Rights


Learning about and for Human Rights in Holocaust education contributes to a critical engagement with social justice; it teaches students to respect and defend the “right to have rights” (Hannah Arendt). Visual storytelling in graphic narratives is especially effective for life stories of child-survivors as they recall their memories in a vivid associative context, which intuitively lends itself to visual representation. In this presentation, I will introduce a community-engaged project that centers the biographies of four Holocaust child survivors to co-create both graphic novels and new trust-based methods for testimony collection.


Charlotte Schallié is a Professor and Chair of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the 番茄社区. Her teaching and research interests include post-1945 diasporic and transcultural writing/filmmaking, memory studies, Jewish identity in contemporary cultural discourse, and teaching and learning about the Holocaust. She is the co-editor of Under Swiss Protection: Jewish Eyewitness Accounts from Wartime Budapest (2017). Her current research project —“Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education” (www.holocaustgraphicnovels.org) — is working on developing a new trauma-informed pedagogy in Holocaust and Human Rights education fostering broad and deep collaborations and intercultural exchange between Holocaust survivors, visual artists, researchers, students, and community partners in Canada, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US.


Presenter Topic/Video Link Date
Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly Sept 22, 2020 
Dr. Oliver Schmidtke Oct 20, 2020
Scholar Benjamin Perrier Nov 24, 2020
Dr. Keith Cherry Jan, 19, 2021
Dr. Amy Verdun & Dr. Valerie D'Erman Feb 23, 2021
Dr. Paul Schure Mar 30, 2021
Dr. Charlotte Schallié Apr 20, 2021


We continue to host EU scholars, experts, and practioners and upcoming lectures will be posted here.
