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Student Accommodations and Faculty Workload

August 6, 2024

Dear faculty colleagues,

Earlier today, I provided my response to the Joint Working Group on Student Accommodations and Faculty Workload’s report and recommendations. It is available on the VPAC website along with other timely information related to academic accommodations.

My response addresses the Working Group’s seven recommendations and provides high-level implementation plans for the recommendations that the university will pursue. As indicated in my response, our areas of focus for the coming year includes technology solutions, invigilation training, and enhanced universal design supports. As a highlight, the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation will launch a Community of Practice on Accessible Teaching and Learning, creating a cross-discipline community of UVic faculty and instructors seeking engagement in access-centred learning.

The additional one-time funding provided by Executive Council for Winter Session 2024/25 will help us bridge the gap as we implement these and other initiatives to reduce reliance on accommodations.

As I have stated previously, this is a complex problem that requires multiple solutions and cross-campus efforts. I am grateful to the Working Group for their collaborative, solutions-oriented approach. I am also thankful to our many faculty colleagues who have implemented or are exploring course (re)design and assessment practices to better serve our diverse student population and move towards a more access-centred culture.

The Working Group’s report and recommendations, my response, and additional academic accommodation resources are available on the VPAC website.


Elizabeth A. Croft
Vice-President Academic and Provost