
University Systems help centre

Internet and telephone

IP Message Broadcasting

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


What is a recipient group?

A predefined group of end points that will announce a live audio stream or a previously recorded message.

How many end points (IP Phone with Speaker or IP Speaker) can I have configured in my recipent group?

140 devices at one time.

Who can broadcast a message into a recipient group?

The ability to broadcast to a recipient group is restricted by role.

Can I broadcast a previously recorded message at a scheduled time?

Yes, message such as building closing messages can be recorded and broadcast according to a set schedule hourly, daily, weekly, etc.

Fees and charges

How do I see the details for my IP Message Broadcasting charges?

Bills may be viewed online at . Authority for viewing telephone charge information is aligned with the accounting information in FAST. This means only those with FAST access for specific accounts can see telephone charges billed to those accounts.

Who can I talk to about IP Message Broadcasting charges? What can I do if I've been billed incorrectly?

Please send an email to netadmin@uvic.ca with "Billing Inquiry" in the subject line.

Where do I find Voice service rate information?

Do these fees cover repair of my IP Speaker or telephone set speaker?

No. IP Speakers and Telephone sets are the property of the department or group that purchased them. Clients are responsible for any costs associated with repair or replacement of their speaker or telephone equipment. All VoIP telephones come with a warranty; email netadmin@uvic.ca for more information on telephone or IP Speaker repairs. Visit the Technology Solutions Centre to obtain a new IP Speaker or telephone or to read more about the replacement policy.


How can I reach someone for help with service rates and hardware selection?

Email your inquiry or request to netadmin@uvic.ca.

How do I request a change to the configuration of a recipient group?

Ask your departmental telephone administrator to send a request to netadmin@uvic.ca with the following information:

  • Description of the required change.
  • What FAST code will be charged?
  • The departmental telephone administrator contact information (includes name, telephone number).

IP Speakers

Where can I find info on telephone models and costs?

Visit the Technology Solutions Centre for information on IP Speakers and telephone handset models, pricing, and ordering.

Can I use any model of IP capable speaker?

No. The speaker must to be on the Informacast supported list .