
Policy review

Starting this fall, Equity and Human Rights (EQHR) will be initiating a review of UVic’s Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR) Policy.

University community members are invited to provide feedback on the key areas of the policy review by completing an online survey or attending an in-person engagement event.  

The campus-wide survey will be open from September 16 - October 4.

Engage in-person:

  • Thursday, September 18 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. by Petch Fountain

Note: If you are interested in learning more about options for reporting sexualized violence, please contact Sam Lall at . Additional support options are found on our get support page.


About the Policy

The Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy (GV0245) was created in recognition that sexualized violence is a pervasive problem both on and off campus and the university has an important role to play in both preventing and responding to sexualized violence. UVic’s initial SVPR Policy was launched in 2016. 

In addition to providing UVic’s definition of sexualized violence, the policy and its related procedures outline how someone can bring forward reports or concerns of sexualized violence, what support someone who has experienced harm can expect to receive and various options for addressing harm.  You can read more about some of the highlights in our current policy here. 

The Policy applies to and supports all University community members, including but not limited to:  

  • students (including credit and non-credit students, distance students and continuing studies students);  
  • faculty, librarians and staff members;  
  • post-doctoral fellows and visiting researchers;  
  • university leaders (including the members of Board of Governors and Senate).  


Preparatory work

Over the past two years, EQHR has led an extensive review of UVic’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention and Response (D&H) Policy. The new D&H Policy was drafted based on the structure and procedures of the SVPR Policy meaning the policies share significant similarities. 

Given recent review of the D&H Policy and that the SVPR Policy was reviewed in 2020/2021 with extensive community consultation, this year’s review will have a focused scope. To avoid over consulting our university community, we plan to draw on the relevant feedback already gathered and focus public consultation on the areas unique to the SVPR Policy or where there are proposed substantial changes.  



Phase 1: Broad engagement (September 16 - October 4, 2024)

Phase 2: Focused review (October - December 2024)

Phase 3: Technical review (January - February 2025)

Phase 4: Approval (March 2025)


Phase 1: Broad engagement 

September 16 - October 4, 2024 

University community members are invited to provide feedback on the key areas of the policy review by completing an online survey or attending an in-person engagement event.  

During this time, EQHR will also reach out to those who have previously interacted with the policy (e.g., survivors and those alleged to have caused harm). These individuals will be offered the opportunity to provide feedback on the policy directly to the EQHR policy review team or an external consultant. 


Open from September 16 - October 4.

Engage in-person
  • Thursday, September 18 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. by Petch Fountain


Phase 2: Focused review 

October – December 2024  

This fall a group of students, staff, faculty and other UVic employees will meet biweekly to review summaries of Phase 1 data and form recommendations on key policy sections. This group will provide an opportunity for more in-depth community engagement to inform policy revisions. 


Phase 3: Technical review 

January – February 2025 

To wrap up the review process, EQHR will bring together the units with specific responsibilities under the policy (i.e., Office of Student Life, Human Resources, Faculty Relations, Campus Security, and Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment) to conduct a technical review of key changes to the policy.


Phase 4: Approval 

March 2025 

After final revisions, we anticipate the revised policy and procedures will go to the Board of Governors for approval. After the approval process is complete, EQHR will report to the community and the updated policy will take effect.