
Current research fellows

CFYS is glad to work with a variety of UVic faculty members who share an interest in youth and family well-being. Our Research Fellows include members from the faculties of Social Sciences, Education, and Human and Social Development.

Katelin  Albert

Katelin Albert

Assistant Professor

sociology of health & medicine; genders & sexualities; sexual health & experiences; sex-ed; vaccination & health decision-making; subjectivities & biotechnology; mental health; linked lives; mixed methods & advanced qualitative methods

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2021
Megan Ames

Megan Ames

Assistant Professor

depression and mental health in young people; health behaviours and health promotion; postsecondary students with ASD; longitudinal research design and statistical analyses

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2021
Jean Buckler

Jean Buckler

Assistant Professor
Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
Gender inclusive physical activity, recreational physical activity, physical literacy, health promotion
Joined CFYS in 2023
Fred Chou

Fred Chou

Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

youth participatory action research; narrative research; youth mental health literacy and suicide prevention; collaborative practices in mental health; intergenerational trauma; Chinese-Canadian mental health

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2019
Catherine Costigan

Catherine Costigan


family psychology; immigration and acculturation; developmental disabilities; children, youth, and family therapy

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2017
Sandra Gibbons

Sandra Gibbons

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

curriculum and instruction in physical education; evaluation of student achievement; pedagogical issues in physical activity and health; girls and physical education; inclusive pedagogy

Featured research fellow

Founding member of CFYS
Frederick Grouzet

Frederick Grouzet

Associate Professor

personal goals and values (as the core of self-identity); psychological well-being

Joined CFYS in 2006
Gina Harrison

Gina Harrison

Associate Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

cognitive and linguistic aspects of reading and writing; spelling and writing difficulties: writing disorders; learning disabilities: Assessment and intervention; school psychology: professional practice; special education service delivery

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2008
Myer Horowitz

Myer Horowitz

Adjunct Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

early childhood development, education, policy

In Memoriam

Founding member of CFYS
Tamara Humphrey

Tamara Humphrey

Assistant Professor

criminology, developmental and life-course theories of crime, qualitative methods, domestic violence, bullying, gender and crime

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2019
Chris Lalonde

Chris Lalonde


social-cognitive development; indigenous health; indigenous epistemologies and post-secondary education; identity development

Featured research fellow

In Memoriam

Joined CFYS in 2007
Bonnie Leadbeater

Bonnie Leadbeater

Professor Emeritus

adolescent parenting; emerging adulthood; adolescent depression; resilience in high-risk youth; prevention of peer victimization in elementary school children

Featured research felllow

Founding member of CFYS
Sam Liu

Sam Liu

Associate Professor
Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

eHealth/mHealth; chronic disease prevention and management; big data; health promotion; impact of technology on well-being

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2018
Nigel Mantou Lou

Nigel Mantou Lou

Assistant Professor

immigration and acculturation; ESL and language learning; motivation and emotion; mental health and well-being; racial and sexual minorities; diversity and equity; advanced quantitative methods 

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2021
Sarah Macoun

Sarah Macoun

Associate Professor

attention and executive function; assessment in school psychology and neuropsychology; intervention and rehabilitation of cognitive processes; special education

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2012
Anne  Marshall

Anne Marshall

Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

life-career development and counselling for children, youth and adult; developmental transitions and Adolescent identity development; counselling for Indigenous and other cultural groups; counsellor training and supervision; counsellor skill & identity development 

Founding member of CFYS
Farah Mawani

Farah Mawani

Assistant Professor
Public Health & Social Policy; Child & Youth Care
Lived experience, community-led, community-embedded, trauma-informed, and decolonizing research approaches; knowledge synthesis; interdisciplinary quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research; implementation science; social and mental health inequities; macro-, community-, and family-level social determinants of mental health and well-being; systemic racism and discrimination as trauma; community responses to systemic racism and discrimination; migration and mental health; work environments and mental health; green space/blue space and mental health; walking peer support groups; intergenerational programs
Joined CFYS in 2023
Catherine McGregor

Catherine McGregor

Associate Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

social justice leadership, including democratic, distributed, and teacher leadership; civic and social justice learning, including situated- and/or place-based learning; women and gender in leadership; educational leaders as allies and advocates

Joined CFYS 2010
Todd Milford

Todd Milford

Associate Professor
Curriculum and Instruction

measurement and evaluation; using data analysis to help teachers and students in the classroom

Joined CFYS in 2011
Mandeep Kaur Mucina

Mandeep Kaur Mucina

Associate Professor
Child and Youth Care

research and community-based initiatives that work towards ending violence against women

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2018
Ulrich Mueller

Ulrich Mueller


development of executive function and self-regulation; contribution of communication to the development of executive function; development of embodied cognition; nature-based education and self-regulation

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2011
Patti-Jean Naylor

Patti-Jean Naylor

Professor Emeritus
Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

socio-ecological and setting-based approaches to health promotion; obesity and chronic disease prevention; dissemination, knowledge translation/exchange; implementation and organizational capacity

Joined CFYS in 2011
Anita Prest

Anita Prest

Associate Professor
Curriculum and Instruction

music education, rural education, social capital, place-based and place-conscious education, praxial music education philosophy, critical pragmatism, integrating Indigenous knowledge and perspectives in music education

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2017
Jodi Streelasky

Jodi Streelasky

Associate Professor
Curriculum and Instruction

early childhood education, Indigenous ways of knowing, multimodality, family and community literacies, international education, early literacy, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, play, outdoor and environmental education

Joined CFYS in 2018
Paweena Sukhawathanakul

Paweena Sukhawathanakul

Assistant Professor

Positive Youth Development; Peer victimization, violence, and injury prevention; Community Psychology; School-based social-emotional learning program; Youth activism and social responsibility; Mixed-method designs

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2021
Viviene Temple

Viviene Temple

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

promoting health among people with special needs and children through physical activity; motor skills in young children; electronic portfolios

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2016
Brianna  Turner

Brianna Turner

Associate Professor

suicide and self-harming behaviours; behavioural psychology; eating disorders; substance abuse; aggression

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2017
Jennifer H. White

Jennifer H. White

Child and Youth Care

youth suicide prevention; critically informed, relational approaches to inquiry; youth perspectives; alternatives to the standardized, expert-driven, one-size-fits-all, risk factor-based approach to youth suicide prevention

Featured research fellow

Joined CFYS in 2005

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