
Founding members

The founding members of the Centre for Youth & Society were part of the original interdisciplinary research team formed in 1998.

Sybille Artz

Sybille Artz

Professor Emeritus
Child and Youth Care

collaborative community-based focused on the prevention of violence in peer-relationships, families, schools and communities and online; gender and violence; violence resilience

Elizabeth Banister

Elizabeth Banister

Professor Emeritus

adolescent sexual health and media literacy; sexual health education; knowledge translation; qualitative research design (narrative inquiry, ethnography)

Gordon Barnes

Gordon Barnes

Professor Emeritus
Child and Youth Care

Substance use; families, child and youth care

Cecilia Benoit

Cecilia Benoit

Professor Emeritus

midwifery, maternity care; health of vulnerable populations; female adolescents confronting health stigmas; youth who are homeless

Nancy Galambos

Nancy Galambos

Psychology, University of Alberta

the development of psychological well-being, mental health, and personal competencies; the family as a context for adolescent and young adult development; the impact of gender on psychosocial development; and pathways of mental health through the transition to adulthood and their impact on later functioning

Sandra Gibbons

Sandra Gibbons

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

curriculum and instruction in physical education; evaluation of student achievement; pedagogical issues in physical activity and health; girls and physical education; inclusive pedagogy

Myer Horowitz

Myer Horowitz

Adjunct Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

early childhood development, education, policy

Mikael Jansson

Mikael Jansson

Adjunct Assistant Professor

marginalized populations; low-prestige occupations; intimate partnerships; street-involved youths' health; substance use; sexually transmitted infections

Bonnie Leadbeater

Bonnie Leadbeater

Professor Emeritus

adolescent parenting; emerging adulthood; adolescent depression; resilience in high-risk youth; prevention of peer victimization in elementary school children

Anne  Marshall

Anne Marshall

Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

life-career development and counselling for children, youth and adult; developmental transitions and Adolescent identity development; counselling for Indigenous and other cultural groups; counsellor training and supervision; counsellor skill & identity development 

Ted Riecken

Ted Riecken

Curriculum and Instruction

Teacher preparation elementary; Aboriginal education; curriculum studies; educational change and innovation; technology in education; participatory research

Kathy Sanford

Kathy Sanford

Curriculum and Instruction

Teacher education; gender and pedagogy; multiliteracies; digital portfolios; assessment for learning; feminist adult education; community-based education; qualitative research methodologies

Tim  Stockwell

Tim Stockwell


prevention of alcohol and other drug-related harm; alcohol and other drug policy; measurement of alcohol consumption and related harms; public health and safety impacts of substance use; alcohol harm reduction; and regulatory policies to reduce alcohol-related harm