
Student affiliates

CFYS Research Assistants at Ideafest, where they presented key findings from Community Research Exchange products.
CFYS Research Assistants at Ideafest, where they presented key findings from Community Research Exchange products.
Name Program of Study Research Interests
Hasne Begum Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, PhD Inequalities between women and men sexuality, control over women sexuality and sexual rights, good practices and gaps in approach and interventions for gender inequality and sexualized violence, issues for gender transformative policy and legal framework for evidence based advocacy.
Noah Cain Psychology, MSc Collaborating with Indigenous youth to identify the opportunities they have in their school and local community to connect with Indigenous culture and knowledge, and how the participation of these opportunities relate to their sense of Indigenous identity.
Cameron Chevrier Sociology, MA Relation between Indigeneity and gender identity for Indigenous non-cisgender people in the Arctic, specifically focusing on the Beaufort-Delta region.
Imogen Chudyk-Barr Social Work, MSW Tangible supportive strategies for social workers which centres the needs of Trans+ survivors without contributing to transphobic stereotypes or directly harming Trans+ people.
Keshia Cleaver Child and Youth Care, MA Harm reduction services for pregnant and mothering women and girls.
Jessica Detta Psychology, MSc Community-engaged and community-led research approach to investigate sustainable and effective prevention and intervention strategies for vulnerable populations.
Madeline Doucette Psychology, PhD, Clinical Psychology Role of oral contraceptives & physical activity/sport on executive functioning in teenage girls.
Heba Elgharbawy

Psychology, PhD, Clinical Psychology

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mentorships.
Patrick Falle Sociology, MA To understand the challenges and opportunities that graduate students experience while conducting community-engaged research. 
Jessica Fichtner Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, MSc Imrpoving service provision for structurally-vulnerable youth through exploring the impacts of various forms of trauma on the lives of young people.
Kristen Fontaine History, MA Collaborating with the W̱SÁNEĆ communities to learn historic water and boating safety practices, and working towards decolonizing aquatics and recreation centres on the south Island.
Sabrina Francescangeli Psychology, MSc Connection between nature and well-being, and what factors influence this relationship, and understanding anthropological context of this relationship and how Indigenous communities are impacted.
Brandy Gallagher Curriculum and Instruction, PhD Community-based research and design project working with intercultural/intergenerational/interfaith frameworks and essential elements for 'regenerative living', resiliency, wellness/wholeness, ecological knowledge & Indigenous wisdom, and S.T.E.A.M. collaborative inquiry programming.
Samuel Logoniga Gariba Child and Youth Care, MA Social protection and child welfare practices among care practitioners. Specifically, the methodologies and interventions being used in working with children and the youth in deprived communities, and the willingness to collaborate with other care providers to improve intervention.
Maeva Gauthier Geography, PhD Participatory digital approaches to engage Inuvialuit youth on environmental change.
Otis Geddes Psychology, MSc Predictors and correlates of living well within the context of sports and exercise; how experiences in nature impact well-being; methods for mapping green space and the spatial distribution of well-being; participatory methods of GIS mapping for the study of younger adults; methods, statistics, and meta-science. 
Sharan Srinivasa Gopalan Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education, PhD Creating a holistic environment for sports and physical activity around young and adolescent girls that focuses on their health and well-being.
Sarah Graham Social Work, MA Generating principles for more holistic and meaningful ways to provide anti-violence education for young people to learn about sex, communication, and intimate relationships.
Sabrina Guzman Skotnitsky Environmental Studies, MA Youth climate justice movement, mental health and climate change, and arts-based mental health interventions such as eco-art therapy, storytelling and visual artmaking in peer groups.
Katelynne Herchak Geography, MA Photo-voice methdology to examine the role of Maasai youth in local based economies, how they feel about immigration and how their perceptions on the future of the Maasai economy.
Kingsley Sepase Ivande Psychology, PhD How immigrants/minorities, especially those prone to maladjustment via acculturative stress, can cultivate resilience and a strong sense of identity to cope with acculturative stressors and flourish.
Jshandeep Jassal Child, Youth, Family Studies, MA Public discourses that stereotype South Asians, the perspectives of South Asian youth on crime, and how South Asian youth reclaim identity and resist negative stereotypes about them
Sunny Jun Curriculum and Instruction, PhD Decolonizing methodlogies to understand to explore the idea of using listening and storytelling as a tool to create psychologically safe spaces for BIPOC.
Brandon Justus Psychology, MSc Board game and video games as an intervention to support intergroup aspects (e.g., intergroup trust) and motivation for children and youth.
Meg Margaret Kapil Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, PhD The interweave of mental health, stress regulation, and self-regulated learning
Nabila Kazmi Education Studies, PhD Placemaking practices of youth at intersections of various marginalization; ideas of belonging, community and agency of young women through gender and class divides; how youth build communities and foster agency and change through their engagement within their communities.
Luke Kernan Anthropology, PhD Early psychosis among young adults; volunteering in mental health communities; arts-based methodologies, comics, and storytelling
Becca Leier Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, MA Safety, health, community involvement, mental and physical health, and gender identity among youth in the classroom.
Seagun Laboucane Child, Youth, Family Studies, MA How to make residential services culturally appropriate for the Indigenous youth using residential services and Delegated Aboriginal Agencies that support Indigenous youth in care in the Thompson-Cariboo region of British Columbia.
Jessica Li Psychology, MSc, Clinical Lifespan Psychosocial well-being in immigrant, refugee, and BIPOC adolescents, young adults, adults, families, and communities; inter-group relations and understanding between immigrant, refugee, BIPOC, and non-BIPOC groups in Canada; reducing healthcare inequities based on immigration or refugee status, SES, and other social determinants of health.
Emilie Longtin Psychology, PhD Investigate covert forms of racism occurring in the relationships between private sponsors and refugees through qualitative data analysis and examine the perspectives of key stakeholders in Canadian resettlement: refugees, private sponsors, and settlement
Narges Mansouri Educational Studies, MA The absence of women in STEM positions.
Jacqueline Nassimbwa Child and Youth Care, MA Contextualizing young people's Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), teenage pregnancy, SRHR for marginalized groups of young people such as indigenous communities and those who are differently abled, and laws, policies, programs, and practices on SRHR
Elisa Sosa Nicora Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education, MA Measuring levels of physical literacy and physical activity among adolescents in Costa Rica and determining the impacts on their self esteem.

Kimberly Ning

Psychology, MSc Marginalized and under-studied populations with a focus on identity, intersectionality, racism, culture (and acculturation), and resilience factors.

Nell Perry

Sociology, MA Sociology of gender; sexual violence; feminist and critical social theory; policy analysis; social change; organizational analysis, crime and violence.

Tara Poole

Educational Psychology, PhD Special education, with a focus on how teachers foster psychological safety in vulnerable, high-risk students, along with the impact this has on response to intervention.

Annilea Purser

Political Science, MA Assess the federal government's First Nations Education Transformation policy and the BC Tripartite Education Agreement through community-based research to unveil the role that youth play in claims to self-determination.
Jasmine Ramsay Political Science, MA Child welfare system in Canada and systemic and institutional barriers that directly target and harm Indigenous children and families.

Christina Robillard

Psychology, PhD
Clinical Psychology

Multi-informant approaches to investigate the dynamic associations between parenting and self-damaging behaviors among youth; identifying transdiagnostic factors that underlie distinct self-damaging behaviors, including motives and functions.

Aleah Ross

Psychology, MSc, Clinical Psychology Health psychology, behavioural medicine, mental health care, and innovating primary and community care services.

Arie Ross

Public Health and Social Policy, MA Access to abortion services for Indigneous people across Canada.

Bradley Rudner

Education, MA Using self-determiniation theory to understand the effects of nature-based intervention followed by resistance training intervention with males aged 18 to 34.

Pia Russell

History, PhD History of children, childhood, education, family, and gender in British Columbia (with a temporal focus on the colonial period up to 1921) and history of Indigenous-settler relations in the context of childhood.

Helia Sehatpour

Psychology, PhD Young adults' reported anxiety levels in response to the threat of climate change, their reported levels of hope towards mitigating climate change, and their engagement in pro-environmental behaviour; implications for youth as vulnerable road-users in the Capital Regional District.

Emmett Sihoe

Psychology, MSc Relationship between health behaviours (i.e. sleep, physical activity), digital media use and mental health outcomes in youth.

Lyndsay Sklenka

Child, Youth, Family and Community Studies, MA The effects of animal assisted therapeutic services on youth in care.

Ruthana Slob

Theatre, PhD Using applied theatre as an instrument in adolescent environmental education.

Imran Tatla

Psychology, MSc How children from immigrant families navigate the conflict between their cultural and Canadian identity.
Eli Verdugo Social Dimensions of Health, MA Mental health, LGBTQ+ communities, Trans+ issues, identity and community, family and youth, social justice, gender studies, queer theory.
Paul Vincent Social Work, Indigenous Specialization, MSW Indigenous child welfare, children and youth, Indigenous feminist theories, and art-based methodologies.
Mattie Walker Social Dimensions of Health, PhD Trans, two-spirited, and non-binary health, trauma and violence support, and mental health practitioner education.
Meng Qi (Annie) Wu Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, PhD Learners' engagement in self-regulated learning (SRL) practices and academic challenges in terms of academic success.

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