
Community Advisory Board


The Centre for Youth and Society began hosting Community Advisory Meetings with the goal of involving a wide range of community partners, researchers, and youth representatives. The purpose of these meetings is to update community partners on the current research and work being conducted at CFYS, receive feedback from community leaders, foster new partnerships, expand the CFYS network, and discuss emerging issues pertaining to youth, children, and families. Community Advisory Meetings serve to steer the efforts of CFYS in response to the issues identified during the meeting. 


The Centre for Youth and Society hosts Community Advisory Meetings approximately every two months, with some meetings exploring a particular topic in depth. The structure of each meeting includes:

  • An update on the recent activities of CFYS from the Director
  • Brief updates on recent research conducted by CFYS research fellows and student affiliates
  • Insights from community partners and youth on the emerging issues affecting youth in the community
  • Identifying the priorities of CFYS in response to the emerging issues that affect youth, children, and families


The Community Advisory Board is comprised of both returning and new members in order to include a wide range of perspectives in identifying emerging issues and steering directions for the Centre. The Community Advisory Board is comprised of:

  • Representatives of community partners from various sectors, including youth- and family-serving organizations, municipal and provincial government, health authorities, school districts, immigrant and refugee services, Indigenous services, funding agencies, and organizations supporting recreation, arts, and literacy
  • CFYS research fellows
  • CFYS student affiliates
  • Youth community members

Become a member

We are always looking for new members to join our Community Advisory Board to enhance the range of perspectives present at Community Advisory Meetings. If you are interested in joining the Community Advisory Board, please contact cfysassistant@uvic.ca