
Catherine McGregor

Catherine  McGregor
Associate Professor and Associate Dean Graduate Programs and Research
Office: MacLaurin A243

BEd (UVic), MEd, PhD (Simon Fraser)

Area of expertise

Leadership Studies

•    Social justice leadership, including democratic, distributed, and teacher leadership
•    Civic and social justice learning, including situated- and/or place-based learning
•    Women and gender in leadership
•    Educational leaders as allies and advocates, particularly in marginalized or stigmatized communities
•    Policy and politics in education, particularly socially just policy enactment
•    Qualitative design in educational research, including narrative and discourse analysis, arts-based, participatory, feminist, critical, and post-structuralist approaches to research

Dr. McGregor has been a successful SSHRC grant holder, completing projects in partnership with Dr. Darlene Clover (women in politics in India and Canada, 2008-2009) as well as a project that traced the impacts of community based work on pre-service teachers in training (2008-2012). She has also been funded by the Ministry of Education to complete research on quality teaching and learning initiatives in BC (2013; 2014) and to trace the impact of the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network (AESN) on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners and teachers (2014). Other recent research has involved exploring the impact of LGBTQQ policy measures on hetero-normative learning environments and school cultures.