
Where are they now?

Alumni from CFYS move on to interesting careers related to youth well-being.

Payden  Spowart

Payden Spowart

Payden was involved with CFYS as an undergraduate and graduate student. He was drawn to the CFYS as it linked multiple academic departments and research topics to the local and global well-being of youth. Payden learned to appreciate the different lenses and approaches utilized to investigate similar areas of research, and enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with other passionate researchers, clinicians, and staff. He says his time at the CFYS was invaluable, as it helped lay an excellent foundation for his endeavours as a clinician and researcher. Payden is a Registered Psychologist in Alberta and has begun his PhD at the University of Calgary, where he aims to continue his research and clinical practice with marginalized youth and young adults.

Kate  Creedon

Kate Creedon

Kate Creedon was a student affiliate with CFYS and wrote her thesis on transitions from custody. Kate says this about her involvement with CFYS: "CFYS helped me establish a support network, and provided numerous educational and professional opportunities. While a lot of people complete a thesis and have it stay in the library, collaborating with CFYS led to further research and the publications of a graphic novel authored by youth in custody and developed from themes of my thesis". After several years as a counsellor at the Victoria Youth Custody Centre, Kate now works in both provincial and federal corrections.
Stephanie Chauhan

Stephanie Chauhan

As a Centre Assistant and then Research and Communications Coordinator at CFYS, Stephanie had the opportunity to engage in multiple research endeavours as well as knowledge mobilization activities, which fueled her passion for both acquiring and disseminating knowledge. Since leaving CFYS, Stephanie has completed her Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and now works in both the private and public sector as an Occupational Therapist and Case Manager. Stephanie has had the opportunity to participate in research on university student well-being, community gardening for mental health, and developing social awareness in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Stephanie was also granted a Fellowship Award for her research potential, all of which were influenced by the experience and training she acquired at CFYS. Stephanie continues to look for opportunities where research and academia intersect with health care to provide best practice. 

Meghan Bell

Meghan Bell

"Working at the Centre for Youth & Society was an incredible experience. I learned invaluable skills in areas such as research, grant-writing, and marketing, which helped me land my first full-time job after graduation."

Meghan Bell is the former marketing manager at Evergreen Cultural Centre and the former digital communications coordinator at the Vancouver International Film Festival. She is currently the publisher and graphic designer of Room magazine, a literary journal based out of Vancouver, and is in the process of editing an anthology of forty years of feminist writing.