
Dr. Jodi Streelasky

Dr. Jodi Streelasky
Associate Professor, Language & Literacy, Early Childhood Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Office: MacLaurin A559

PhD (Language & Literacy) University of British Columbia, MEd (Curriculum & Instruction) University of Regina, BEd (Elementary Education) University of Regina

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Literacy & Multimodality
  • Family & Community Literacies
  • International Education
  • Outdoor & Environmental Education
  • Indigenous Knowledge

A community-based approach to supporting refugee children in primary classrooms: Teachers, counsellors, resettlement workers, and trauma-informed early childcare educators
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Principal Investigator: Jodi Streelasky; Co-applicant: Dr. Laurie Ford; Collaborator: Dr. Tim Anderson)

Examining the integration of Indigenous knowledge in three Canadian primary contexts: Outdoor, coastal, and urban learning environments
SSHRC Insight Grant (Principal Investigator: Jodi Streelasky, Collaborators: Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule, Dr. Nick Claxton)

Investigating the inclusion of Indigenous principles in a Canadian outdoor kindergarten program
番茄社区 Internal Research/Creative Project Grant 

Streelasky, J. (2022). Kindergarten children’s views on friendship in a super-diverse context. Childhood, 29(1), 94-111.

Streelasky, J. (2020). Creating identity texts with young children across culturally and linguistically diverse contexts. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 18(3), 243-258.

Streelasky, J. (2020). Weaving place-based education and Coast Salish knowledge: Stories from Salt Spring Island. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (Special Issue: Rethinking Young People's Lives through Space and Place), 26, 121-137.

Streelasky, J. (2020). Valuing children's voices across diverse global contexts: A gallery exhibit of children's multimodal art. Global Studies of Childhood, 10(2), 145-155.

Streelasky, J. (2019). Exploring global citizenship with Canadian and Tanzanian children through voice and multimodal meaning making. In J. Murray, B. Swadener, & K. Smith (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Rights (pp. 419-433). Loundon, UK: Routledge.

Streelasky, J. (2019). A forest-based environment as a site of literacy and meaning making for kindergarten children. Literacy, 53(2), 95-101.

Streelasky, J. (2017). Tanzanian and Canadian children’s valued school experiences: A cross case comparison. International Journal of Early Years Education (Special Issue: Hearing Young Children's Voices through Innovative Research Approaches), 25(3), 274-291.

Streelasky, J. (2017). Elementary students’ perceptions of their school learning experiences: Children’s connections with nature and Indigenous ways of knowing. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(1), 47-66.

McTavish, M., Streelasky, J., & Coles, L. (2012). Listening to children’s voices: Children as participants in research. International Journal of Early Childhood (Special Issue: Children’s Perspectives), 44(3), 249-267.

Streelasky, J. (2008). A collaborative approach to literacy: Inner-city preschool children, families, and the school community. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(3), 27-33.

Anderson, J., Streelasky, J., & Anderson, T. (2007). Representing and promoting literacy on the World Wide Web: A critical analysis. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 53(2), 143-156.

Streelasky, J. & Lemon, M. (2024, April). Young children's evolving ecological identities and engagement in nature-based learning. Paper presented at the OMEP European Conference and Assembly, Kristianstad, Sweden.

Streelasky, J. & Lemon, M. (2023, September). Playing in the forest: Children's engagement with nature and land-based learning. Paper presented at the 31st annual conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Lisbon, Portugal.

Streelasky, J. (2019, August). Young children's friendships: Connections and commonalities across continents. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Streelasky, J. (2019, May). Valuing children’s lived experiences in different nations: Canadian and Tanzanian children’s multimodal perspectives on their school lives. Paper presented at the Cultural-Historical Approaches to Children’s Development and Childhood Conference, Bergen, Norway.

Streelasky, J. (2018, June). Exploring global citizenship education with young children through international school partnerships: Tanzanian and Canadian children's perspectives. Paper presented at the 70th World OMEP Assembly and Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Streelasky, J. (2017, August). Highlighting Canadian and Tanzanian children's voices and connections through an international multimodal exhibit. Paper presented at the 27th annual conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bologna, Italy.

Streelasky, J. (2017, May). Canadian and Tanzanian children’s valued school experiences. Paper presented at the 2017 World Forum on Early Care and Education, Auckland, New Zealand.

Streelasky, J. (2017, April). Addressing gender stereotypes in primary classrooms: What is the role of primary teachers and teacher education programs? Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Gender Issues in Higher Learning Institutions, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Africa.

Streelasky, J. (2016, September). Children and place: The impact of nature on children's emotions.  Paper presented as part of the symposium: Outdoor play and learning: Relationships and feelings at the 26th annual conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Dublin, Ireland.

Streelasky, J. (2016, June).  Young children's multimodal representations of their school experiences. Paper presented at the 44th annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Calgary, Alberta.

Streelasky, J. (2015, July). Canadian primary students’ perspectives on their school learning experiences.  Paper presented at the 19th European Conference on Literacy, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Streelasky, J. (2012, July). A case study of two Aboriginal children’s meaning making across home, school, and community contexts. Paper presented at the International Innovations in Early Childhood Education Conference: A Canadian Forum on Early Childhood Frameworks, 番茄社区, British Columbia.

Streelasky, J. (2012, June). A Canadian Aboriginal child’s use of literacy and multimodal practices across contexts. Paper presented at the 16th Nordic Reading Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Streelasky, J. (2011, August).  Listening to children’s voices in research: Aboriginal children as communicators of knowledge. Paper presented as part of the symposium: Listening to children’s voices: Children as participants in research at the 17th European Conference on Literacy, Mons, Belgium.

Streelasky, J. (2009, August). Intergenerational literacy learning in a Canadian early childhood classroom. Paper presented at the 6th Pan African Reading Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Africa.

Streelasky, J. (2009, July). Children as data collectors: Using children’s photographs to inform early learning pedagogy. Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Literacy, Braga, Portugal.

Streelasky, J. (2008, March).  Developing a community of learners: Documenting the interactions between preschool children and an Indigenous Elder. Paper presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference, New York, New York.

Streelasky, J. (2007, November). Creating connections through storytelling. Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.

Streelasky, J. (2007, April). A collaborative approach to literacy: Aboriginal preschool children, Elders, families, and teachers.  Paper presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Streelasky, J. (2006, December).  Aboriginal children and their families: A pathway to literacy. Paper presented at the 56th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, California.

Streelasky, J. (2006, May). Families and teachers working together: Literacy boxes in an inner-city prekindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the 34th annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario.

Anderson, J. & Streelasky, J. (2005, May). A critical analysis of the images and texts on Canadian family literacy websites. Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, London, Ontario.

Streelasky, J. (2001, April). Family literacy. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Young Children National Conference, Calgary, Alberta.

Streelasky, J. (2000, August).  Emergent literacy in early childhood settings.  Paper presented at the International Symposium on Educational Change in the 21st Century, Changchun, People’s Republic of China.