
Nigel Mantou Lou

Nigel Mantou Lou
Assistant Professor
Office: Cornett Building A240

Ph.D. 2019 (University of Alberta) Joined Department in 2021

Area of expertise

Social Psychology

My research interests are at the intersection of social/personality psychology, educational psychology, and applied linguistics, especially where they converge on motivation, identity, intercultural communications, and intergroup relations.

One line of my research focuses on beliefs and motivation that influence language development and intergroup/interpersonal processes. Current projects include examining social factors that shape mindsets and goal pursuits related to the success of language learning and interpersonal/intergroup communication.

Another line of my research focuses on acculturation and socio-cultural adaptation, particularly their relations with discrimination, identity, and language development. Current projects include studying immigrants and ethnic minorities’ experiences of racism during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how their experiences may continue to impact their well-being and socio-cultural adaptation.



  • Motivation; Intergroup Relations; Intercultural Communication; Immigration; Language learning; Beliefs; Identity.


Selected publications

Lou, N. M., & Li, L. M. (2022). British Journal of Educational Psychology.

Lou, N. M., Noels, K. A., Kurl, S., Zhang, Y. S. D., & Young-Leslie, H. (2022). Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.

Lou, N. M., Chaffee, K. E., & Noels, K. A. (2022). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 44(3), 607 – 632.

Lou, N. M. (2021). . International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 85, 213–225.

Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2020). Breaking the vicious cycle of language anxiety: Growth language mindsets improve lower-competence ESL students’ intercultural interactionsContemporary Educational Psychology, 61,101847.