
Jean Buckler

Jean Buckler
Assistant Professor
Office: MCK 134

BSc (UVic), MSc (DAL), PhD (UBC)

Area of expertise

Gender inclusive physical activity, recreational physical activity, health promotion


Dr. Buckler is an Assistant Professor. Her research focuses on improving the opportunities children of all ages receive to move towards or stay on a positive physical literacy trajectory, and to engage in health promoting physical activity. In particular she is interested in how to reduce physical activity drop out in adolescence. 

Research interests

  • Gender inclusive physical activity
  • Recreational physical activity
  • Health promotion

Selected publications

Buckler, E. J., Puterman, E., & Faulkner, G. E. (2021). Early childhood education and care: Do we need to develop the physical literacy of educators?. PROSPECTS, 50(1), 55-68.​


Buckler, E. J., & Bredin, S. S. (2018). Examining the knowledge base and level of confidence of early childhood educators in physical literacy and its application to practice. Early Years, 1-16.


Hassani, K., Buckler, E. J., McConnell-Nzunga, J., Fakih, S., Scarr, J., Mâsse, L. C., & Naylor, P. J. (2020). Implementing Appetite to Play at scale in British Columbia: Evaluation of a capacity-building intervention to promote physical activity in the early years. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1132.​