
Associate Fellows

The Associate Fellows are an active part of CFGS. We collaborate with Associate Fellows on an ad-hoc basis; they often participate in meetings, events, and collaborative projects but do not necessarily occupy office space at the Centre.

Colin Bennett

Associate Fellow
Geoffrey Bird

Associate Fellow
Gregory Blue

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Ron Crelinsten

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Dr. Budd Hall

Associate Fellow, Project Lead
Centre for Global Studies
Helga Hallgrimsdottir

Senior Researcher & Associate Fellow
Office: SED C194
Hanny Hilmy

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Office: Sedgewick C187
Patrick Makokoro

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Vic  Neufeld

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Jon O'Riordan

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Ted Parson

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Alan Pence

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
John Price

Associate Fellow
Canada-China Focus
Martin  Segger

Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies