
Ron Crelinsten

Ron Crelinsten
Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies

Ronald Crelinsten is an internationally recognized expert on terrorism and counterterrorism, studying how liberal democracies deal effectively with terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization without endangering democratic principles. His research interests include: terrorist career paths, radicalization to violent extremism, the relationship between terrorism, violence and the media - including the internet and social media; the prevention of torture and other gross human rights violations; human security; democratic and global governance. He is currently researching the dark side of the internet, social media and artificial intelligence, in particular tech-facilitated gender-based violence. Some of his publications include Terrorism, Democracy, and Human Security: A Communication Model (Routledge, 2021), Counterterrorism (Polity Press, 2009), The Politics of Pain: Torturers and Their Masters (Routledge, 2019/Westview Press, 1995), Western Responses to Terrorism (Frank Cass, 1993), Hostage-Taking (Lexington Books, 1979), and Terrorism and Criminal Justice (Lexington Books, 1978). In 2022, he was commissioned to write a series of articles on tech-facilitated gender-based violence for the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).