
Helga Hallgrimsdottir

Helga Hallgrimsdottir
Senior Researcher & Associate Fellow
Office: SED C194

Helga Hallgrimsdottir joined the School of Public Administration in 2017 as an Associate Professor and became a full Professor in 2020 . She is the Acting Director of the Child and Youth Care Program (as of September 2020) and the Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Development (as of January 2021). From 2016-2019, Helga served as the President of the University's Faculty Association and has served as a Member-at-Large of the University Senate, as well as on a number of Senate committees. 

Helga obtained her Ph.D. is Sociology from the University of Western Ontatio in 2004. She is a historical comparative sociologist, using history and comparison to get perspective on what human experiences mean. Her areas of expertise include: 

  • Citizenship and Citizen Participation
  • Governance and Participatory Governance
  • Collective bargaining and dispute resolution in the Public Sector
  • Social Movements, Protest, and Contentious Politics 
  • Welfare States and Social Policy
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Work and Social Vulnerability 
  • Labour Movements, Labour and Union politics

Helga's research has been published in a number of journals including: Social Sciences, Frontiers in Sociology, Journal of Borderland StudiesPolitique Européenne, AIMS Public Health, Journal of Youth Studies, and Human Organization. She co-edited Narratives of Memory, Migration, and Xenophobia in Canada and the European Union in 2019 with Helga Thorson. 

She is a member of a number of professional groups including the American Sociological Association, the Canadian Sociological Association, and the Nordic Sociological Association. She is a Member of Council for CAUT and an Executive Member of the CUFA-BC.

You can view Helga's full CV here