
Tamara Plush

Tamara Plush
Associate Fellow

Dr. Tamara Plush is a researcher and consultant working in the international development field. Her focus is on adolescent and youth participation, child rights, gender equity, disaster risk reduction, climate justice, responsive listening, and voice.

She moved to Victoria in 2016 for her post doctoral research with the ResiliancebyDesign Lab at Royal Roads University. The Youth Voices Rising project, funded by the Canadian Red Cross, aimed to understand and increase young people’s engagement in post-disaster decision-making after the Fort McMurray wildfire. She received her PhD from the University of Queensland in Australia (on participatory video and citizen voice) and MA from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in the UK. She has worked internationally with UNICEF, UNDRR, CARE, Plan International, Save the Children, ActionAid, Right to Play, and others; and has more than 15 years experience as a video, film, and multimedia producer—including on two short films in Victoria.

In her research and practice, Dr. Plush has used visual storytelling methods to meaningfully and ethically ensure that those least heard in society have opportunities to gain the confidence, agency, skills, and tools to influence decisions that affect them (see tamaraplush.com). Since 2019, she has been working with UNICEF in creating knowledge for and with young people (example) and strengthening staff networking and knowledge on adolescent and youth engagement. As an Associate Fellow with CFGS, her main research interests are on increasing inclusion in adolescent and youth engagement across sectors and shifting the narrative on young people, mental health, and psychosis to improve recovery.

To discuss collaborative research ideas or to have a chat, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Plush.