
Affiliated faculty

Sikata Banerjee
Associate Dean of Humanities, Professor | Former Program Committee Member
Humanities, Women's Studies
Indian Politics; Nationalism; Masculinities
Kelly Bannister
Co-Director POLIS Project | Project Lead
Ethnobiology, Biocultural diversity and Ecosystem health
Office: SED C198
Colin Bennett
Political Science
Comparative politics and public policy (advanced industrial countries); American government and politics; Information and communications policy; social implications of new information technologies
Office: DTB A336
Gregory Blue
Associate Fellow
History of Western interpretations of Chinese history and society; the history of China and South Asia since 1400, Western intellectual and cultural history; the comparative history of science, economic and social history and the history of colonial and post-colonial societies. 
Michelle Bonner
Professor and Undergraduate Advisor | Faculty Fellow
Political Science
Latin American politics; Human rights; Democratization; Policing; Media; Social movements and Protests; Transitional Justice;
Office: DTB A338
Neilesh Bose
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair | Program Committee Member
Modern South Asian history from the eighteenth century to the present, colonial India, histories of religion, empire, nationalisms, and decolonization; trans-national history, global history.
Office: Cle B234
Paul Bramadat
Director, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society | Program Committee Member
History & Religious Studies
Intersections between Secularism; Religious Radicalization; Securitization; Post-colonialism; Religious Identity in Contemporary Canada.
Oliver Brandes
Co-Director of POLIS Project | Project Lead
"water sustainability, sound resource management, public policy development, and ecologically based legal and institutional reform."
Christopher Brown
International Adviser | Canadian International Council (CIC), Victoria Branch
School of Public Administration
International education and research, comparative public administration, international cooperation and development in a multilateral context
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
Professor | Project Lead
School of Public Administration
Comparative politics and policies studies; Comparative urban, politics and governance studies; Comparative border and migration studies; Governance and multilevel/complex governance systems
Office: HSD A350
Martin Bunton
Program Committee Chair | Professor
Modern Middle Eastern History; World History; Colonial Land Policies
Marlea Clarke
Associate Professor | Program Committee Member
Political Science
African Politics (South and Southern Africa focus); political economy of development; precarious work and labour market restructuring; globalisation and democratisation in Africa; labour and migration (Africa); ‘decent work’ and global clothing production.
Deborah Curran
Hakai Professor
Environmental Law and Sustainability
Water law; Growth Management and Land Use Law, Food Systems and Agricultural land; Common Ownership of property.
Beatriz de Alba-Koch
Associate Professor, History. Director, Latin American Studies
Colonial and early national Latin American intellectual history; global cultural history; thematic interests include Indigenous and mestizo accounts of the Spanish Conquest; utopian thought; female spirituality; and Ibero-American as well as Ibero-Asian Baroque culture
Office: Cle B227
Rod Dobell
Senior Research Associate
"Economic Theory, Governance and Public Policy"
Office: SED C184
Tom Gleeson
Associate Professor | Faculty Fellow
Civil Engineering
Groundwater footprints and sustainability; Mega-scale groundwater systems; Fluid flow around geologic structures; Groundwater recharge and discharge
Office: ECS Room 316
Jutta Gutberlet
Professor International community-based development | Faculty Fellow
Improving basic urban services in informal settlements; Waste co-production in Brazil; Policy and Outreach for re-shaping Waste into resources
Office: DTB B312
Helga Hallgrímsdóttir
Associate Professor | Project Lead
School of Public Administration
Citizenship and Citizen Participation; Governance and Participatory; Governance; Collective bargaining and dispute resolution in the Public Sector; Social Movements, Protest, and Contentious Politics; Welfare States and Social Policy; Gender and Sexuality; Work and Social Vulnerability; Labour Movements, Labour and Union politics;
Office: HSD A366
Budd Hall
Professor | Associate Fellow
School of Public Administration
Community-Based participatory research; social responsibility of higher education; knowledge democracy; social movement learning and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Office: HSD A340
Trevor Hancock
Professor Emeritus (2018-2021) | Associate Fellow
School of Public Health and Social Policy
Public health systems and services research; health promotion; healthy cities and communities; health and nature; healthy public policy; community development and health
Michael Hayes
Professor | Former Program Committee Member
Public Health & Social Policy, Geography
Health Inequities and Urban Structure, Social Gradients in Health Outcomes; Disability and Public Policy
Thomas Heyd
Sessional Instructor | Fellow
Aesthetics, Ethics, History of Philosophy with special interests in Environmental Aesthetics and Ethics; Philosophy of Prehistoric and Contemporary Art; and Early Modern Philosophy
Helen Lansdowne
Associate Director | Program Committee Member
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
"Rural China state-society relations; mainland Southeast Asia; with a particular focus on development and gender
Michael M'Gonigle
Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Law and Policy | Project Lead
Forestry and Fish resource sectors; Urban Sustainability; Community-based Governance.
Matt Murphy
Associate Professor
Gustavson School of Business
"Cross-sector collaboration; Stakeholder relationships; Business and human rights; Social & Community-based entrepreneurship"
Office: BEC 434
Tom Pedersen
Executive Director | Former Program Committee Member
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
Climate Change Issues; Application of Government Policy to Climate-change Mitigation and Adaptation
Alan Pence
UNESCO Chair for Early Childhood Education | Program Committee Member
School of Child & Youth Care
Cross-cultural and Sociological Perspectives on Children and their Care
Astrid V. Pérez Piñán
Assistant Professor | Program Committee Member
School of Public Administration
Feminist Political Economy; Gender Equality Measurement; Community/ Economic Development and Wellbeing; Colonization and Decolonization; Transnational and Indigenous Feminisms; Global South/ Latin America & the Caribbean/ Africa
Office: HSD A352
Elena Pnevmonidou
Associate Professor | Project Lead
Germanic and Slavic Studies
Intersection between romantic aesthetic theory and romantic conceptualizations of the “other"; early 20th century German literature
Office: CLE D256
Daromir Rudnyckyj
Associate Professor | Former Program Committee Member
Anthropology of knowledge; Economic anthropology; Political anthropology; Globalization; Religion; Southeast Asia
On leave
Office: COR B208
Charlotte Schallié
Associate Professor, Chair of the Department
Germanic and Slavic Studies
Post-1945 diasporic and transcultural writing/filmmaking; memory studies; Jewish identity in contemporary cultural discourse; and teaching and learning about the Holocaust (HTL)
Office: CLE D242
Oliver Schmidtke
Professor | Director of Centre for Global Studies
Political Science
Professor and Director, Centre for Global Studies
Office: DTB A345
Martin Segger
Associate Fellow
19th colonial architecture in India; impact of international cultural conservation protocols on museum management practice in the developing world; architectural history and decorative arts, also heritage and museums studies
James Tully
Professor Emeritus | Project Lead
Political Science
Political and legal theory/philosophy and their history; public philosophy; freedom; constitutionalism; nonviolence; civic engagement; Indigenous-Settler relations
Office: DTB A350
Elizabeth Vibert
Associate Professor | Faculty Fellow
Small-scale farmers and food sovereignty; history of poverty, race and gender; British colonial history
Office: Cle B229
Rob Walker
Professor | Faculty Fellow
Political Science
Contemporary social and political thought; Theories of discourse, ideology and culture; Philosophy of social science; International political theory; Concepts of space and time in political thought; Modernity/postmodernity
Office: DTB A343
Scott Watson
Associate Professor and Chair | Faculty Fellow
Political Science
Securitisation and the social construction of security/insecurity; International relations theory; International security; Migration and refugee policy
Office: DTB A339
Michael C. Webb
Associate Professor | Former Program Committee Member
Political Science
International and global political economy; Globalization and governance; Non-governmental organizations, the non-profit sector, and global civil society
On leave until 31Dec 2019
Office: DTB A342
Serhy Yekelchyk
History and Germanic & Slavic Studies
Russia, Ukraine, Soviet Union; social and political history of the Stalin period; as well as the formation of a modern Ukrainian nation from the mid-nineteenth century to the present
Office: Cle D245
Min Zhou
Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor | Faculty Fellow
Globalization and transnational sociology
Office: COR A359