
Vic Neufeld

Vic  Neufeld
Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies

BA (Saskatchewan), MD (Saskatchewan), MA (Michigan State), FRCPC

Dr. Neufeld is a physician, educator and international consultant who recently moved to Victoria. Over a period of more than 25 years, he held various academic leadership positions at McMaster University, the last of which was as Director, Centre for International Health. He has served as a consultant and advisor to many international agencies, organizations and institutions. Currently he is the Special Advisor to the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, an organization of which he was the founding National Coordinator. [See: ]. His interests include: 

  •      capacity development for health system reform with a special interest in strengthening national health research systems and leadership development;

  •      promoting a stronger role for Canada in investing and becoming involved in health research in low and middle-income countries;