
Application-based entrance scholarships

Application-based scholarship and awards

To be considered for the following scholarships and awards please apply as per the instructions indicated in the descriptions. These scholarships require students to submit an online application as well as supporting documentation.

Deadlines vary, please review the information for each award carefully.

Aga Khan Academy Scholarship

A scholarship of $90,000, payable at $22,500 per year over four years, is awarded to an academically outstanding international student entering an undergraduate degree program at the 番茄社区 directly from an Aga Khan Academy. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are not eligible for this scholarship. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic excellence, community service, and school involvement and leadership. The financial need of the applicant will also be considered.

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50 or higher on the best 12 units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student's full time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period. A student whose grade point falls below 7.50 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship. Students registered in a co-op or work experience or work term will automatically be renewed when they next complete 12 or more graded units in two terms, provided they have a grade point average of 7.50 or higher in the two terms. Any student who takes neither a co-op or work experience work term nor academic units for one or more terms may forfeit their scholarship.

To be considered you must:

  • Be admitted to the 番茄社区
  • Be entering your first undergraduate degree program
  • Have an excellent academic record ("A" average, or minimum of 32 IB points)
  • Be an international student on a study permit status
  • Meet UVic's academic and English proficiency requirements. See English Language Proficiency requirements
  • Submit an online application via your UVic Online tools and have all required documentation, including your nominator's documentation sent to entrance@uvic.ca between January 01 and March 15.

Please note, students must be nominated by a school guidance counsellor, principal or department head at an Aga Khan Academy. The nominator must be able to comment on the student's academic performance, future goals, leadership qualities and their potential for success at the 番茄社区. The nominator MUST complete the required  and provide a reference letter and submit the information to entrance@uvic.ca by the end of the day on March 15.



  • One Scholarship of $90,000, payable at $22,500 per year over 4 years
  • Renewable up to 3 years or completion of first undergraduate degree

Deadline: March 15

*All required documentation must be received by Student Awards and Financial Aid by the required deadline.

To Apply

Complete the online Aga Khan Academy Application and send in all required documents by March 15.

How to access the online application:

  1. Have a 
  2. Go to  and sign onto your UVic Online tools using your NetLink ID
  3. If you are not yet admitted to UVic, but have submitted an admissions application, select "Applicant Services". If you have been admitted to UVic, select "Student Services"
  4. Select "View and apply for awards"
  5. Select the 2022-2023 study period and select the "Aga Khan Academy Scholarship Application"
  6. Complete the online application
  7. Send in the required Student Supporting Documentation: Awards and recognition statement, activities statement, essay question (500 words), community reference letter, budget sheet.
  8. Have your Nominator send in the required Nominator Documentation: Form B, reference letter

Student Supporting Documentation

  • Awards and recognition statement: Submit a list of awards and recognitions you have received including scholarships and prizes received in the last three years. Please include the date that each award was received as well as the granting institution or organization.
  • Activities Statement: Submit a list of your extra-curricular and volunteer activities in the last three years. Please list them in order of significance, and include the start and end dates as well as the number of hours a week/month of involvement.
  • Essay Question (500 word maximum): Describe a recent challenge and how you responded to it. Explain what you learned, and how this experience will help you transition to student life at the 番茄社区.
  • Community reference letter: This letter of reference would be written by someone other than a family member or close friend who is familiar with your various roles in the community. *Please have your reference comment on your future goals, leadership qualities, adaptability, initiative and your potential for success at the 番茄社区. The reference should include their name, contact information including email, as well as the period of time they have known you and in what capacity. The letter must be signed and sent to entrance@uvic.ca by the end of the day on March 15, and include Aga Khan Academy Scholarship in the subject line.
  • Financial Need Assessment: The 番茄社区 international scholarship supports those students who would otherwise be unable to attend the 番茄社区 because of financial reasons. Please complete the  if you wish to be considered for the Aga Khan Academy Scholarship.

Required Nominator Information Documentation

Nominators are one of the following:

  • School Guidance Counsellor
  • Principal
  • Department Head

The nominator MUST:

  • Complete  (click on the link to download and complete the form) and,
  • Submit a reference letter commenting on the student's academic performance, future goals, leadership qualities, adaptability and initiative. Please also explain how the student demonstrates the academic preparedness and emotional maturity necessary to ensure their success at the 番茄社区.

Both Form B and the nominator reference letter must be sent to entrance@uvic.ca by March 15.

East China Normal University Scholarship

The East China Normal University Scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding international undergraduate student entering the 番茄社区 from the No. 2 Secondary School attached to the East China Normal University. 

Who is eligible?

Application open to students who:

  • Are entering UVic  on an international student study permit and will be entering year one of an undergraduate degree program
  • Have an excellent academic record ("A" average or a minimum of 32 IB points)
  • Meet UVic's academic and English proficiency requirements. See English Language Proficiency requirements
  • Are nominated by the No. 2 Secondary School


The East China Normal University Scholarship is valued at $20,000. The recipient will receive annual payments of $5,000, payable in two installments in the academic year.

Renewal criteria

To be automatically renewed a student must have completed a total of 12 or more academic units in any two terms of study between May and April and maintained a grade point average of 7.50 or higher on the best 12 academic units. The scholarship is automatically renewed for each year of the student's full-time study until completion of a first degree or for a maximum of four years, whichever is the shorter period.

A student whose grade point average falls below 7.50 may file a written appeal with the Senate Committee on Awards to seek special consideration for the renewal of the scholarship.

Note: any student who takes neither a co-op, work experience/workterm, nor academic units for one or more terms may forfeit their scholarship.

How do I apply?

Complete the online East China Normal University Scholarship Application and send in all required documents by February 28.

For more information on how to apply, visit the How to apply.

Loran Award

The Loran Scholars Foundation looks beyond grades to identify values-driven youth who demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and exceptional leadership potential.

Offered in partnership with 25 Canadian universities, the Loran Award and renewable for up to four years of undergraduate studies. But it’s not just about financial support: It's about personal growth. Loran Scholars benefit from a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergraduate studies in the form of a tuition waiver and living stipend, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, one-on-one mentorship from a business or community leader, scholar gatherings, and a long-term community of peers, alumni, and supporters from coast to coast to coast.

Financial support includes:

  • An annual living stipend of $12,000
  • A tuition waiver of up to $12,000 annually, tenable at one of our partner universities
  • Up to $14,000 for the summer experiential learning program

Applicants not selected for a Loran Award are still eligible for a one-time entrance award of $6,000 for Loran Finalists or $2,000 for Loran Provincial and Territorial Awards.

To determine your eligibility for this award and to begin the application process, visit .

Eligibility Criteria

 High school Students

  • Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
  • Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be born between January 1, 2003 and September 1, 2009.

CEGEP Students

  • Be in your last year of CEGEP before entering university studies.
  • Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
  • Present an R score equal to or higher than 29.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be born between January 1, 2003 and September 1, 2009.

Schulich Leader Scholarships

The Schulich Leader Scholarship recognizes high school students who have excellence in academics, community leadership, or financial need. Students must plan to receive their undergraduate degree in one of the approved STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas.

The Schulich Leader Scholarships are offered by Seymour Schulich and the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) Federation of Greater Toronto to support and encourage young people to embrace science technology in their future careers.

Student eligibility criteria

  • Graduate high school or CÉGEP in the current academic year
  • Be nominated by your high school or CÉGEP
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Meet the following criteria:
    1. Academic Excellence
    2. Entrepreneurial-minded (exhibiting leadership, charisma and creativity)
    3. Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need
    4. Intend to pursue a career in one or more of the following focus areas:
    (A) Technology
    (B) Engineering
    (C) Entrepreneurship and business enterprise
    (D) Applied scientific research

How do I apply?

High school or CÉGEP students must be nominated by their school. Limited to one student per high school; up to four per CÉGEP.

Please visit the website for information on the application process, approved programs, and deadlines.


  • $120,000 payable at $30,000 per year over four years for a student entering an approved Engineering program
  • $100,000 payable at $25,000 per year over four years for a student entering an approved Science, Technology, or Mathematics program

Renewable criteria:

The Schulich Leader Scholarships are renewable for an additional three years, or until a first undergraduate degree is obtained, whichever is the shorter period. To remain eligible, Schulich Leaders must:

  • Maintain full-time registration in their STEM program
  • Pass the academic year by the university's standards