
Continuing teacher education

pro-d course

We offer several options for pre-service and in-service teachers to enhance their education through professional learning courses.

You may want to pursue professional learning if you are interested in:    

  • a
  • exploring ways to provide your students with enriched learning experiences
  • specializing in a theme or set of courses to expand your base of knowledge 

Professional learning options: 

Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is at the forefront of educational reform efforts across Canada. Flexibility, project-based learning, community involvement, online learning, and differentiated instruction are all key elements to a personalized learning approach.

Peronalized Learning themed courses:

Visit the for a complete list of summer course offerings.

Educational Technology

The Educational Technology professional learning courses provide important background and training for teachers in incorporating new communication technologies in their classrooms. 

Educational Technology elective courses:

Most of the courses offered over the summer months can also be applied towards a Professional Specialization Certificate in Information Communication Technology. 

Visit the for a complete list of summer course offerings.

Art Education

Art Education courses provide students with the basics of art educatoin, and can help build a foundation in visual expression, design thinking and creative problem solving.

Art Education Electives: 

Visit the for a complete list of summer course offerings.

Music Education

Music Education courses can help students gain basic instrumental skills in guitar and/or piano and are appropriate for students who have little or no background in music theory, or those who have basic understanding of music theory. 

Music Education Electives:

*EDCI 208 is not often accepted as a TQS upgrade course, as it is not a 300 level course.

Visit the for a complete list of summer course offerings.

Additional learning options:

Many additional Faculty of Education departments will also offer certificates, diplomas, courses, and institutes that could be applied to TQS salary upgrades:

Indigenous Education

Teaching and Learning Indigenous Perspectives, is a series of electives designed to give teachers an opportunity to learn from and about Indigenous knowledge, and to make valuable connections to local Indigenous communities to strengthen their understanding of Indigenous peoples and societies.

For any questions, please contact  or 250-721-7826.

Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

Certificate and Diploma Options

The Professional Specialization Certificate in Special and Inclusive Education is a professional program for educators who wish to enhance their ability to effectively teach every young person with a specialized learning need within their classroom every day.

Offered by the department of Education Psychology and Leadership studies, this is a part-time program is designed for working professionals.

Course Options

In addition, there are several EPLS courses that are available to be applied towards TQS upgrades: 

*pre-requiste for the Master's program in Counselling Psychology

Courses through Continuing Studies

Continuing Studies also offers course options that have been approved for TQS upgrades in the past, and can be good options to consider. 

Typical for credit courses offered through Continuing Studies: 

EDCI 447 Principles of Teaching English to Second Language Learners
EDCI 448 Organization and Procedures for Instruction of English to SLL
EDCI 441 Literacy strategies for supporting struggling learners

 For more detailed information, please visit

NOTE: If using these courses for a TQS upgrade, please ensure the course meet the critieria of a TQS intergrated learning package.

How to Apply

Current or past UVic students

If you are returning to UVic to pursue courses after you have graduated, and you attended UVic over a year ago, before you can register for any courses you will need to re-apply for admission.



Helpful things for you to know when moving through your re-application:

  • Level of study: Undergraduate
  • Program of study:
    • if you are taking courses for a TQS upgrade, then no.
    • If you are applying for a PSC in Information Communication Technology, then yes
  • Type of study: Complete courses for prerequisites, upgrading, professional development or general interest

Program of Study

  • Faculty: Education
  • Program of study: Education: Non-Degree or Post Professional
  • Choose your entry term: Summer Session

New to UVic

If you don't have a UVic student number, you would be considered new to UVic. 

Apply to UVic using EducationPlannerBC

Helpful things for you to know when applying:

Program Selection:

  • What best describes you: I already have a degree and want to take additional courses (but not another undergraduate degree)
  • Entry term: May – August 
  • Program: Education: Non-degree or Post-Professional

As part of completing your profile, you will be asked to list all post-secondary institutions you have attended or are currently attending, and order transcripts from StudentTranscriptsService. However, in an attempt to reduce access barriers to professional development courses, UVic admissions will accept a TQS number in lieu of university transcripts.

If you would prefer to provide a TQS number, please notify . Our office will then connect with UVic 番茄社区 to ask them to set up a field on the application form so that this information can be included. 


How do I qualify for a salary upgrade?

Once you are a certified BC Teacher, your starting salary will be determined by your level of eduation as stated by the .

There are several options available in order to progress up on the salary grid, including the completion of an integrated program, or completing a masters degree. 

The basic requirements of an Integrated Program are:

  • 30 semester credits (15.0 Uvic units or 10 UVic courses)
  • 20 semester credits related to education or educational practice in the BC K-12 system
  • third year university level or higher 
  • from an accredited degree granting institute acceptable to the TQS

Of these 30 credits, 20 must be relevant to the BC public K-12 system, while up to 10 credits may be electives.  Courses should be approved by the TQS. 

You can either design a program yourself by choosing courses that meet the requirements above, or you could complete an appropriate post graduate certificate, diploma or degree that fulfils the Integrated Program requirements. 

One 1.5 unit UVic elective course = 3 BC TQS semester credits. 15.0 UVic units = 30 TQS semester credits.

In order to upgrade to a category 5 or 5+, you must complete a group of 10 courses (15.0 UVic units/30 TQS credits) beyond your degree requirements. If you are interested in a category 6, please consult the . 



How does a salary upgrade relate to a Continuing Teacher Education package?

In 2020, TQS adjusted the way they define an integrated program for the purpose of a category upgrade. As such, teachers are now able to pick and choose a variety of courses that can be applied toward an integrated program. 

In response to this new flexibility, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction is offering smaller packages of two courses each, so that students have more choice around which courses they could apply towards a TQS salary upgrade. 

When choosing the courses you will apply towards your integrated program, please keep in mind the following: 

  • 7 courses (11.5 Uvic units) must be related to education or educational practice in the BC K-12 system. For example, these seven courses could include an Indigenous Education course, an Educational Technology course, an ELL course, a special education course, etc.

  • 3 courses (4.5 UVic units) can be any electives at third year university level or higher (in any Faculty or Department at UVic).


How does this relate to UVic units?聽

One 1.5 unit UVic elective course = 3 BC TQS semester credits. 15.0 UVic units = 30 TQS semester credits.

Can I choose any electives I want?

You may choose any electives you like, in any Faculty, as long as they are third year level or higher. 

You must get final approval from TQS for the 10 courses you choose to take towards your upgrade.

I have completed graduate work or a degree, will these packages increase my TQS level?

Anyone wanting to upgrade their TQS level who already have a graduate degree/courses should contact TQS to determine how the 15 unit course upgrade will affect their TQS level.

What is the cost per course?

While tuition fees can be subject to change, generally one 1.5 unit UVic undergraduate course for a domestic student in the Faculty of Education is $581.01 

For more detailed information please visit Tuition, fees & budgeting 

Are there time limits to complete this coursework?

As of January 2020, the TQS has removed any time limits to acquiring these additional 15.0 units