
Elementary Curriculum Bachelor of Education (BEd)

teacher candidate in a classroom at Tillicum elementary
Kindergarten teacher candidate is colouring a mural with students at Highlands Elementary School

Program Snapshot

  • Full-time four-year program, designed for students who do not yet have a degree
  • September entry to year one or two
  • Embedded in local classrooms weekly for the first term 
  • Three practicum placements in elementary or middle schools
  • Option to participate in french module
  • Eligible to apply for a BC teaching certificate upon successful completion
  • Application deadline: January 31

About our program

Are you motivated to be a transformative force in children's lives? Are you dedicated to teaching and learning? 

Through school-based hands-on learning experiences early on in your degree, diverse course options with integrated teaching on Indigenous ways of knowing and learning, and small, group-based structure, our program will help you become an engaging, inspiring, and forward-thinking teacher, ready to make a difference. 

The Faculty of Education is committed to increasing the number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit teachers, and has reserved 5% of the placements in teacher education programs for applicants who meet the Faculty of Education's admission requirements

Program format

This program is designed for students who do not already have an undergraduate degree, and offers two entry points: year one entry (direct from high school) or year two entry (after completing year one requirements). 

Year one

In year one, you'll complete the courses that will build the academic foundation to your teacher education program, studying English, Canadian studies, mathematics and laboratory science. You will also need to take two elective courses, which you may select from a wide range of academic subjects. 

Years two to four 

In years 2-4 you'll complete your core teacher education courses and practica over three academic years (September to May). You will take methodology, pedagogy, and education topic courses, and will learn how to teach the full range of subjects taught in an elementary classroom (kindergarten to grade seven).

You can complete the program at the UVic campus in Victoria, BC, or at the College of Rockies, through the East Kootenay Teacher Education Program in Cranbrook, BC. 

For a complete list of courses required for the B.Ed Elementary Currriculum, visit the undergraduate calendar entry 

Program format - Elementary BEd
September - April (Year 1)
year one courses 15.0 units
September - May (Year 2)
core courses + 3-week paired practicum 18.0 units
September - May (Year 3)
core courses + 6-week practicum 16.5 units
September - April  (Year 4)
core courses + final practicum  12.0 units

French Immersion Practicum opportunities 

To learn more about French Immersion practicum opportunities and necessary language requirements, please visit our French Immersion information page

Questions? Please contact the

Certification process

Upon completion of this program, you will receive a Bachelor of Education degree (BEd) and will be eligible to apply for a BC teaching certificate. 

Admission Requirements

Entry into the B.Ed Elementary Curriculum program is determined by specific course and grade requirements, as well as experience requirements: 

Tip! Use the Pre-Admission Worksheet to track your admission requirements

Entry Points: 

The B.Ed Elementary Currriculum program has two entry points, year one and year two, with each entry point having specific entry requirements. 

  • You can apply for year one entry in the Faculty of Education at UVic directly out of high school

    If you are a current high school student interested in applying to the B.Ed Elementary Currriculum Teacher Education Program, please visit the UVic admissions website for more details. If admitted, you will complete the year one requirements at UVic as a Faculty of Education student. 

  • You can apply for year two entry after you have completed the year one requirements (at UVic, or at another accredited post-secondary institution). 

Whether you apply for year one entry or year two entry, you will complete the same year one requirements. 

Year one requirements: 

In order to be eligible for admission (new applicants to year two) or progression (students admitted to year one directly from high school), into year two of the B.Ed Elementary Currriculum, you must meet specific criteria, including course and grade requirements, as well as experience requirements. 

These specific requirements listed below are considered year one requirements and must be completed by all students preparing for year two.

Course and grade requirements

These year one courses can be taken as a student in UVic's Faculty of Education, in another Faculty at UVic, or at another university or college.

These courses and requirements must be completed by April 30 for a year two entry in September of the same year.

Note: 3.0 UVic units are equivalent to two, half-year courses or 6 credits at most BC colleges and universities

English requirement

  • two courses in approved English (total of 3.0 UVic units), including a minimum 1.5 units of approved literature. 
  • English Grade requirement: 3.00 (C+) on UVic's 9 point scale in each of your two approved English courses. 
  1. We can accept a maximum of 1.5 units of approved academic writing or composition.
  2. We can't accept technical, communications, or creative writing courses.
  3. Consult an Education adviser before taking a 'special topics' course. The adviser will need to see a course description or outline.

Some examples of UVic approved courses

  • ATWP 135 Academic Reading & Writing, (formerly ENGL 135 or 115)
  • ENSH 101 Themes in Literature (AWR) (Formerly ENGL 146)
  • ENSH 102 Literature in Action (AWR) (Formerly ENGL 147)

Canadian studies requirement

  • two courses in approved Canadian Studies (total of 3.0 UVic units). 

We accept courses that focus on the Canadian experience and cover topics taught in the BC elementary social studies curriculum. For ideal teaching preparation, both courses should cover the whole of Canada.


  1. We are not able to accept Canadian literature, art history courses, or Introduction to Canadian Culture (CS 101).
  2. Up to 1.5 units of studies covering only part of Canada might be acceptable depending on course content (For example, UVic Geog 309 "Geography of BC" or equivalent is acceptable).

Some examples of UVic approved courses

  • CS 102 Introduction to Canadian Contemporary Issues
  • CS 201 Issues and Ideas in Canadian Environmentalism
  • ECON 100 The Canadian Economy - Problems and Policies
  • HSTR 230A Canada to Confederation
  • HSTR 230B Canada from Confederation - present  
  • IS 101 Indigenous Foundations
  • IS 201 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
  • POLI 101 Canadian Politics
  • POLI 201 Canadian Institutions of Government
  • SOCI 103 Canadian Society


Mathematics requirement

  • two courses in approved mathematics (total of 3.0 UVic units).
  • Math Grade requirement: 3.00 (C+) average on UVic's 9 point scale in your two approved mathematics courses. 
  • At least one of your two courses in approved Math must have been completed no more than ten years before entry to program year two. 


  1. We recommend MATH 161 and 162 (Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers).
  2. We are not able to accept pre-calculus or algebra topics.
  3. We are not able to consider math courses from outside of a mathematics department.
  4. Consult an Education adviser if you've completed a statistics course from a mathematics department.

Some examples of UVic approved courses

  • MATH 100 Calculus I or MATH 102 Calculus for Students in the Social and Biological Sciences or MATH 109 Introduction to Calculus
  • MATH 101 Calculus II
  • MATH 151 Finite Mathematics
  • MATH 161 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I (Recommended)
  • MATH 162 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II (Recommended)


Science requirement

  • two courses in approved science (each worth 1.5 UVic units).
  • At least one of your two courses in approved science must have been completed no more than ten years before program entry.


  1. Elementary teachers take a strong field-based, hands-on approach to teaching sciences; therefore, we recommend that the science courses you've taken include a significant lab component. 
  2. Selecting more than one subject is encouraged for beneficial teaching preparation.
  3. We are not able to accept more than 1.5 units of approved human anatomy or physiology.
  4. Social Sciences courses such as antrhopology, geography (human, environmental, regional, etc.) and psychology are not acceptable.
  5. Geography courses will only be considered if their focus is physical geopgrahy (science focus, not social science).

Some examples of UVic approved courses


  1. BIOL 150A and/or BIOL 150B are acceptable if you haven't previously completed BIOL 184 or 186.
  2. Each year, the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences reserves an EOS 120 lab section for pre-education students (but any lab section is acceptable); see the course timetable.
  3. We will not accept more than one human science (anatomy/physiology) course.
  • ASTR 101 Exploring the Night Sky
  • ASTR 102 Exploring the Cosmos
  • BIOL 150A Modern Biology1
  • BIOL 150B Modern Biology1
  • BIOL 184 (formerly BIOL 190B) Evolution and Biodiversity
  • BIOL 186 (formerly BIOL 190A) Physiology and Cell Biology
  • CHEM 101 Fundamentals of Chemistry from Atoms to Materials
  • CHEM 102 Chemical Reactivity Fundamentals with Environmental Applications

  • EOS 110 Oceans and Atmosphere
  • EOS 120 The Dynamic Earth2
  • EOS 130 (=GEOG 130) Climate Change
  • GEOG 103 Introduction to Physical Geography
  • EPHE 141 Human Anatomy3
  • PHYS 102A General Physics I
  • PHYS 102B General Physics II
  • PHYS 120 Physics I

Academic electives

Academic Electives 

  • two courses of approved academic electives (total of 3.0 UVic units).
  • Choose from subjects related to those taught in BC schools. 
  • The electives are normally taken in your first year (year one) but may be taken in a summer session following year one or two.  


  1. Additional Canadian studies, English, and/or science may be taken as academic electives.
  2. We suggest you take one or more French courses because you’ll teach French in your classroom.
    • The BEd program includes EDCI 469 Teaching Oral French. University French is not a prerequisite to EDCI 469.
  3. We can’t accept courses from professional programs such as child and youth care, social work, and teacher education.
    • For example, do not take AE 103A, AE 103B, ED-D 101, EPHE 143, or MUS 131.
    • However, we will accept: 
      • EPHE 141 Human Anatomy,
      • EPHE 142 Personal Health, Wellness and Potential, and
      • EPHE 155 Introduction to Nutrition: Concept and Controversies.
  4. Check with an  if unsure about your choices.

We recommend selecting academic electives from the following subject areas

  • Art History and Visual Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Visual Arts
  • American Sign Language
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Canadian Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Earth and Ocean Sciences
  • Environmental Studies
  • French
  • Geography
  • Gender Studies
  • History
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Music (except MUS 131)
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Theatre (eg. THEA 150: public speaking)

Grade Point Average

  • a sessional average of at least 3.00 (C+) on UVic's 9 point scale.
  • If your most recent session is fewer than 12 units (eight, typical half-year courses), then you must have a sessional grade-point average of at least 3.00 (C+) on UVic’s 9-point scale on your most recent 12 units attempted.
  • Learn how a 

Year one course options at other universities or colleges

If you're taking courses at a college or university in British Columbia, check the list of post-secondary institutions below. You may find an information handout for the college or university you'll be attending that lists approved year one courses.

If we haven't prepared an advising sheet for the college or university you're attending, then:

  1. Select courses that you think can be used to satisfy year one requirements. 
  2. If you are attending a BC post-secondary institution, use the BC  to find out if the courses transfer to UVic.
  3. Send your course selection to the Education Advising Office at MacLaurin.  An adviser will review your course selection and let you know if your courses are approved. Course reviews may take 4-6 weeks to complete. 

Experience requirement

As part of the program admission requirements, you’ll need a minimum of 75 hours of practical experience working with children or youth from Kindergarten - Grade 12 in educative ways.  

  • experiences listed must be within the past three years.
  • these experiences must be in face to face settings, interacting with groups (i.e. 4 or more) of children or youth.
  • can be in either one or two settings, but at least 50 hours must be from a single, continuous experience. If all hours are in one setting, you will still need two references from that experience.
  • experience in international settings is valuable, but we require at least 50 hours of experience be in domestic settings.
  • all hours must be completed by the time of the application. Hours that may occur in the future will not be considered. 

Types of experiences

What qualifies as experience with respect to your application? These can be either paid or volunteer experiences, or a combination of both.

Typical experiences for applicants include:

  • coaching team sports
  • working as a camp counsellor, summer program leader, or after school program leader
  • group tutoring or teaching (e.g. teaching music classes, specialty extra-curricular activities, etc.)
  • working with faith-based K-12 groups or other K-12 youth groups
  • working in a K-12 school classroom as a volunteer or assistant
  • cultural work in Indigenous communities with K-12 youth
  • cultural, social justice, and inclusion themed work with K-12 youth

What does not qualify as experience with respect to your application?

  • 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 tutoring
  • peer tutoring as a high school student
  • teaching, being a TA, or residence advisor at the college or university level
  • parenting, babysitting or caregiving
  • online experiences

Experience forms

You will need to submit the following information when applying:  

  • Summary of Experience 
  • Two Confidential Reference form (to be submitted directly by the referee) 

Both the Summary of Experience and the two confidential reference forms must be submitted by January 31

Summary of Experience  

You will need to list the organization(s) where you acquired your experience, describe your duties and significant learning from these experiences. Please ensure your two references are directly linked to the experiences you list in your summary of experience. One must be a supervisor. 

Confidential Reference (two)

The confidential reference must be from the two people who you have identified in the Summary of Experience. Ensure that those you ask to be referees can speak to your experience working with children and youth. One of your references must be a supervisor.

Referees must use the form provided; reference letters are not acceptable. References must meet the described criteria or your application will be considered incomplete and ineligible.

Both references must recommend or highly recommend your application and results of references are not released to applicants.

Reference reports are due at the same time as your application, so it is beneficial for you to ask potential referees well in advance of the deadline. Late references will not be considered.

When approaching your refereee, please ensure they know: your full name, program you are applying for, and your student or applicant number. 

It is your responsibility to follow up with referees to ensure they have submitted the Confidential reference form. 

References cannot be:

  • relatives or other family members (including in-laws, step-family, etc.)
  • a classroom teacher whose only relationship to you is as your teacher,
  • friends or family friends,
  • co-workers,
  • someone you taught or tutored,
  • someone you have supervised,
  • somebody who is also applying to a UVic teacher education program.


Contact the

Selection criteria

For September 2025 Entry, admission is based primarily on GPA as long as experience requirements are met.

In the event of a GPA tie with other applicants, we will use experience to determine the successful candidate.


Admission to this program is competitive. Please note that meeting the minimum admission requirements is not a guarantee of admission.


How to Apply

Apply to year one 

If you are a current high school student, or a recent graduate who has not yet attended college or university.

The GPA cut-off for year one is high and fluctuates annually depending on applicants. It has recently been between 85 - 90%.

If you aren't selected for year one entry you may, instead, complete year one courses at UVic in another faculty or at another post-secondary institution, and then apply to year two.

NOTE: To complete these year one course requirements at UVic, please apply for the Humanities or Social Sciences Faculty (area of study: pre-education)

Apply to year two

If you will complete the courses and requirements described above under 番茄社区 Requirements by April 30 for entry in September of the same year.

Please note, there are both academic and experience requirements in the application process.

NOTE: If you were admitted to Year 1, Education Advising will email you with instructions about progressing to Year 2. Please do not follow the instructions below. 

The steps below have been developed to support your application at UVic for a September 2025 entry.  

Before you apply

Before applying:  See the admission requirements above for this full-time program

  • Ensure you will have all course and grade requirements. Examples of approved courses are listed above under 'Admission requirements'. 
  • Ensure you will have met all the experience requirements listed above under 'Admission requirements'. 
  • All course and grade requirements must be completed by April 30 for entry in September of the same year

For applicants who have completed all or part of a teacher education program, please consult with Education Advising before submitting your application to determine if you are eligible to apply to the program. In this case, please email adve@uvic.ca at least one month before the program’s application deadline.

Not ready for this year? To attend UVic to complete the above admission requirements, please apply for the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences (or your previous faculty if you are returning to UVic).

Note: If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, you are not eligible for admission to the B.Ed Elementary program. Instead, see the Elementary Post-Degree Professional Program (PDPP).

Step 1: Online application

Start your application

New to UVic

Continuing or returning student

Apply now

My UVic application

Please confirm your January-April 2025 course registration before applying, and include this information in the in-progress courses section of the application. 

When filling out your application:

(only applicable to continuing or returning UVic students)

  • under 'Institution information' and specifically 'Acknowlegement of post-secondary institutions', be sure to list every college and university where you’ve registered.  This includes exchange studies, studies transferred to another institution, Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) studies, if applicable. The IB declaration appears under “high schools attended.” The AP declaration appears as “College of Advanced Placement.”

  • for each college/university attended select “no credential received” even if you received a certificate, diploma or non-Bachelor’s degree credential. Returning UVic students: please update the "credential received" field to "no credential received" for past institutions as well.
  • under the 'In-progress courses' section of the application, accurately include the January-April 2025 course information, as well as the Fall 2024 courses.

  • for those interested in applying for the off-campus B.Ed Elementary in Cranbrook, BC., please select East Kootenay Teacher Education program under 'Program of study'

Late applications (i.e. those received after January 31) will be considered only if space remains in the quota after all on-time, eligible applicants have been admitted. 

Application questions? Contact us

Step 2: Experience requirement

Experience Requirements

Please ensure you have referred to the experience requirements listed above under Admission Requirements. These requirements are due at the same time as your application, January 31

If you are a direct entry B.Ed elementary student applying to progress to year 2 studies, please follow the same Experience Requirement submission instructions. You can also refer to the information you would have received from Education Advising. 

Note: Applicants may also be invited to meet with the Teacher Education Office during their experience review. Only applicants who are conditionally admitted will have their experience reviewed. Please do not assume that you have satisfied this experience requirement based on applying or being wait-listed for program admission in a previous year.


Step 3: Official transcripts

Please remember that official transcripts are those sent directly from the issuing institution to UVic. Transcripts in languages other than English or French must be submitted together with notarized English translations.

Undergraduate 番茄社区 will now also accept official transcripts that have been emailed directly from the issuing institution to UVic. Please ask your post-secondary institution to email your official transcripts directly to admsscanning@uvic.ca.

Check with the issuing institution about how and when to place your transcript order to meet our transcript deadlines. Processing and mail delivery times will vary. Order as early as possible. Your application will be considered ‘late’ if any transcripts are received after the published deadlines.

Have your transcript mailed to:  Have your transcript couriered to: 

Undergraduate 番茄社区 
PO Box 3025 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3P2 Canada

Undergraduate 番茄社区 
University Centre, UVic
3800 Finnerty Rd (Ring Rd)
Victoria, BC V8P 5C2


It's important to remember to submit an official transcript from every* college and university that you’ve attended, including withdrawals, incomplete, failed, repeated studies and attendance as an exchange student. We cannot review your application if any transcripts are missing.

* This includes College of Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate (IB).

Please note:

  • UVic students do not need to order UVic transcripts, as we have access to those records.

Transcript Deadlines

Deadline for official transcripts showing grades for courses attempted to December 2024: January 31 

Deadline for official transcripts showing in-progress course registration in the January to April 2025 term: January 31

Deadline for official transcripts showing grades for courses attempted January to April 2025: May 31


Step 4: First Nation, M茅tis, and Inuit applicants (Optional)

The Faculty of Education is committed to increasing the number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit teachers and has reserved 5% of the positions in teacher education programs for applicants who meet the Faculty of Education’s admission requirements.

If you have Indigenous ancestry, and would like to be considered for this quota, please email the supplementary form to .

Note: If you need help with the form or have questions, please call (250) 721-7824. 


Application checklist


Step 1: Submit your online application along with the Summary of Experience (step 2).

Deadline: January 31 

Step 2: Submit the following documents for the experience requirement as follows:

  • Submit your Summary of Experience through the survey monkey link (above under 番茄社区 Requirements)
  • Ask two referees to submit their confidential Reference Forms directly through the survey monkey link (above under 番茄社区 Requirements)

Deadline: January 31 

Indigenous applicants may submit a supplementary form for Indigenous applicants by January 31

Step 3: Order official transcripts in time for them to arrive by the following deadlines: 

By January 31, we require transcript(s) that show: 

  • grades for all courses attempted to December 31, 2024
  • in-progress course registrations January 1 to April 30, 2025, if applicable

By May 31, we require transcript(s) that show: 

  • grades for all courses attempted January 1 to April 30, 2025. Order the transcript(s) as soon as second-term grades are available.


All communication and interactions with the Faculty of Education - and with community partners regarding the experience requirement - are considered part of the admission process for the 番茄社区’s teacher education programs. Admission may be denied to applicants who communicate in an unprofessional manner or who act in an inappropriate manner before or during the admission process, regardless of academic standing.

Next Steps

Now that you've submitted your application, you can expect a few things over the coming months: 

Check your status

To check your status and application checklist log into My UVic Application. Use the checklist to see that all transcripts and other required items, including the two references, have been received.


  • If you are attending the same institution (other than UVic) in the January to April 2024 term as you are in the Fall 2023 term, you’ll see at least two entries for that institution on the checklist: one with a January 31 deadline and another with a May 31 deadline.
  • It can take two to three weeks from the time an item is received at UVic for it to be recorded on the checklist.
  • The date a transcript is received at UVic determines whether it is considered on time or late, not the date that UVic staff upload it to your checklist.

Decision timeline

Application status updates:

Education Advising will email you at least once by mid-June:

Decision Timeline
Mid June to make a conditional offer of admission, to explain why you are not eligible for admission, or to cancel your application if it is incomplete
June-July to confirm your offer of admission, to withdraw a conditional offer of admission, or to tell you that you have been placed on a waitlist.
July-August to offer you admissions if you are on the waitlist and a seat becomes available.


Please be aware that Admission offers are time sensitive. If you will not have email access for more than one week, contact .

Course registration

If you are accepted into one of the Teacher Education programs, you will receive an email from Education Advising outlining the next steps.

You will also receive specific information about which timetable courses to register in, based on which program cohort you are assigned. 

Please wait to receive this email from Education Advising with your specific timetable information before registering for your courses.

Some students recieve an email from UVic with your registration date and time before you receive your timetable information, and that's ok! We will email you as soon as we can, as we finalize program offers


What should I do if I decide not to proceed with my application?

Please notify Faculty of Education Advising at adve@uvic.ca and Undergraduate 番茄社区 at adms6@uvic.ca (new UVic students)

Be sure to tell 番茄社区 if you wish to apply to a different faculty for September 2023. 

What do I do if I'm selected to this program?

Respond to the admission offer email from Education Advising to confirm you are accepting the offer. Then submit the $150 Faculty of Education acceptance deposit to Education Advising. New UVic students must also pay a $200 UVic acceptance deposit to the Undergraduate 番茄社区 Office. Both deposits are applied toward your tuition fees.

Can I defer an offer of admission?

No. If you can't take the program in the year in which you were offered a spot, you must re-apply for a future entry point.

Which courses will I take in this program?

Each program outline is available in the UVic calendar 

Is there a French Immersion option?

If you hope to complete one of both of your practicums in a French Immersion setting, contact the Teacher Education Office at  for available options. We recommend accumulating some experience in a French language setting. 

Is it my responsibility to apply for a teaching certificate after I complete this program?

Yes. Apply to the BC Ministry of Education's Teacher Certification Branch for a teaching certificate. 

If you've been charged with, or convicted of, a criminal offense, you should write to the Teacher Certification Branch for clairification of your status before undertaking a teacher education program. 

Will I qualify for a teaching certificate in another province?

If you qualify for a teaching certificate in British Columbia, you can expect to qualify for a teaching certificate in another province. Please consult the provincial teacher qualification service for additional details about this process.

Student Support

Information about tuition and budgeting

Student Awards and Financial Aid Office 


Student loans, bursaries, scholarships

 or 250-721-8423


Residence Services 

 or (250) 721-8395

Education Advising

If you have questions about the application process or the admission requirements

Teacher Education Office

If you have questions about the experience requirements: