
Field partnerships

Field Partnerships
Teacher candidate Sarah Alpert and mentor teacher Amelita Kucher reunite after Sarah's final practicum

Collaboration in action

Teacher education is dedicated to providing students with meaningful opportunities to transform their learning into practice. Whether it be during your weekly visit to the classroom of a partnering educator, through your practicum placements, or with one of our international partners, you will have the opportunity to apply what you've learned into real-world situations.

One of the best parts of my job is being able to work with the UVic Teacher Education program. Their innovative modules as well as their desire to develop meaningful partnerships results in mutual benefits for both of us - their students and our students are the winners.

—Dave Eberwein, Superintendent & CEO, Saanich Schools

School-based field experiences

Linking theory to practice

As a prospective teacher you will get a weekly taste of what being in a classroom is actually like. Every Wednesday of your first term, you will be placed in a local schools to actively observe in classrooms, connect with students, and meet educators working in a variety of educational contexts. 

At the end of the day, you'll gather with your cohort in a seminar to debrief, share some of the success and challenges of the day, and connect these experiences to educational theory and pedagogy.

Practicum placements

Throughout your program, you will actively develop impactful and effective teaching skills. You will experience at least two teaching practices (practicums) allowing you to practice along with certified teacher mentors. Your university supervisors will also provide you with support and feedback, and your final evaluation of each practicum placement.

Practicum philosophy

Practicum placements are a joint and collaborative effort between the university and the education community. We encourage you to consider your practicum placements as an opportunity to experience a range of age groups, classroom settings, and communities. 


How does the practicum process work?

Step #1: Hello, nice to meet you
- At the beginning of the term, we ask each teacher candidate to book a meeting with one of our program coordinators to discuss your upcoming practicum experience.

Step #2: Collaboration - The Teacher Education Program Coordinators work with local, provincial, national, and international education partners to find suitable field experiences.

Step #3: Placement process - Practicum placements are organized taking into account program requirements, past experiences, teaching areas, cohort needs, and field capacity. Once all placements are confirmed, teacher candidates will be informed of their school, mentor, and supervisor. 

Note: Please don't look for your own placements, mentor teacher, or supervisor - it puts you at risk of a conflict of interest and could impact your certification at the end of your program. 


Where will I be placed?

The majority of our practicum placements are in our local school districts:

Teacher candidates are also able to request placements in rural or home communities. There are practicum opportunities locally, provincially, nationally, or internationally.  

Note: All practicum placements are dependant on availability and practicum cycle

Practicum schedule

Each program has a slightly different practicum schedule. The info below gives you an idea of general timing. 

Practicum Snapshot

April - May

 Sept - Dec

 Jan - April

BEd Elementary 

3-week paired practicum


9-week practicum

6-week practicum
Elementary PDPP 6-week practicum 9-week practicum 
Secondary PDPP 6-week practicum 9-week practicum


International placements

Going abroad for your placement is a unique opportunity to expand your worldview and expand your understanding of a diverse teaching practice. You'll learn to navigate through different cultures and recognize and adapt your behaviour as appropriate. 

Our current partnerships 





tanzania field placement
On her BEd elementary practicum placement, Carly Pearson spent 3-weeks in a classroom in Dar Es Saalam, Tanzania. 漏 Carly Pearson