

professional specialization certificate

Professional Specialization Certificate in Information Communication Technology


About this certificate

The Information Communication Technology Professional Specialization Certificate (PSC ICT) is designed for pre-service and in-service teachers, other educational professionals, and those interested in gaining knowledge, skills, and experience in incorporating new communication technologies to an instructional or business context. 

The certificate can be fully completed online, or, through a combination of face-to-face and online distance delivery.

Core courses

Choose one of:

*EDCI 336 can be used for credit in the Professional Specialization Certificate when taken outside of requirements for a previous degree.

The core courses are offered each term to accommodate regular admission cycles. 

Visit the academic calendar for details.

How to apply

There are no pre-requisites required in order to apply for the PSC in Information Communication Technology. 

  • If you are a current1 or former UVic student, submit an application to the Professional Specialization Certificate in Information Communication Technology (EDIC) via My UVic Application (select Undergraduate Studies - Change or Resume your studies).
Current or former students cannot receive their ICT Certificate credential without formally applying and being admitted to the program. 

  • If you are new to UVic, submit an application for admission and select Professional Specialization Certificate in Information Communication Technology (EDIC) as your program of study. 

  • Once you have completed all the program requirements, see the program's calendar entry to confirm you have completed all the requirements,  and submit an application to graduate. 

1. If you are interested in taking this program concurrently with a UVic degree program, contact your academic adviser for your main degree program to obtain permission, as well as the before submitting an application to the program. 

Application deadlines

The deadlines to submit a PSC declaration are: 

  • September 30 (for a spring term start)
  • March 31 (for a summer term start)
  • May 31 (for a fall term start)

Applicants are advised to apply to the ICT Certificate program ahead of time and not for the final term before they plan to graduate. Please be mindful of your application entry point and ensure it precedes the graduation application deadline for your preferred graduation session.

Please consult with Education Advising to confirm your eligibility to graduate