
Undergraduate studies

Find your edge in UVic's Department of Curriculum and Instruction. In this video, hear student testimonials and find out why UVic is right for you.

Teacher education programs

As you grew up, who were your role models? Who inspired you to think in critical and creative ways and engage with new ideas? Who motivated you to look out into the world for a deeper meaning? Chances are, at least one of these people was a teacher.

Teaching is one of the most important professions in the world. Our teacher education programs will help you guide, inspire and lead the students you'll teach. We'll give you the edge you need to be ready for the responsibilities and opportunities of teaching.

Minor in education

Interested in teaching in museums, for companies or non-profits? Study teaching and learning in non-traditional environments with our minor in education.

Minor in art education

Is visual art a part of your career future? Will creativity be an asset in your workplace? A minor in art education adds dimension to your vision.

Professional specialization certificates

Expand your skills with a certificate in:

Elective courses

Looking for courses that enhance your major? Check our the wide variety of offerings in curriculum and instruction.

Where to next?