
French Teacher Education


About French Teacher Education at UVic

UVic's teacher education programs are dedicated to supporting teacher candidates find pathways forward to teach in French Immersion and-or Francophone programs. 

There are several opportunities for teacher candidates to get involved in french language education: 

French module 

Within our Elementary B.Ed and Elementary Post Degree Professional Program, students interested in teaching in French Immersion and-or Francophone programs can supplement their teacher education studies with a French course module.

Module features

Students in the French course module of the Elementary teacher education programs can expect to: 

  • take a selection of courses in French. These courses will focus on approaches to teaching all subjects in French in an additional or minority language context. Students will take the remainder of their program courses in English. 
  • participate in Mon passeport franco
  • undertake weekly first term field experiences in a french immersion classroom setting
  • have practicum experiences in a french immersion or Francophone setting
  • be eligible for government bursaries for studying in French

How to apply

Step 1: Meet program requirements

Step 2: Meet additional language requirements

  • Prospective students for Elementary PDP or B.Ed Elementary french module will need to have the DELF B2 or permission of the department (for more information, please see the language proficiency requirements below).  
Step 3: Indicate interest on application

  • When submitting your program application, please select the option that says:
"Are you interested in teaching in a French Immersion or Francophone context ?  If admitted to this program, would you be interested in being part of a French module and completing your some of your coursework in French?"

Questions? please contact Madeleine Challies at

French Immersion Practicum

In collaboration with the Faculty of Education, the Department of French and Francophone Studies, and our local school districts, we have identified several milestones that teacher candidates need to meet in order to be considered qualified to complete a french immersion practicum: 

B.Ed Elementary

Candidates who have graduated high school from a French Immersion program, or have done their schooling in French (e.g. dual dogwood, or Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires en Colombie-Britannique), are often those who decide they are interested in pursuing a practicum in a French Immersion setting.

Depending on your language ability and comfort, there are two typical pathways for someone who is entering the 4-year B.Ed Elementary and preparing for the DELF and a french immersion practicum: 

Pathway to French Immersion - Elementary B.Ed 
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Link2Practice - French Immersion classroom

French module course

Mon passeport franco

March/June write DELF

ED-P 351: French Immersion Practicum 
ED-P 451: French Immersion Practicum
Link2Practice - French Immersion Classroom

Mon passeport franco

French module course
DELF mock examination

March/June write DELF

ED-P 351: English Practicum

ED-P 451: French Immersion Practicum

Elementary PDPP

There are two slightly different pathways in the Elementary PDPP, for those interested in pursuing a French Immersion practicum:

  • write the DELF the summer in advance of program entry, would would result in the ability  complete both program practicum placements in French Immersion. 

  • write the DELF after Year 1, which would mean your first practicum would be in English, and your second practicum could be in French Immersion.  

In addition, some Elementary PDPP graduates will return after program completion to participate in EDCI 476: Organization and Instruction in French Immersion.


Pathway to French Immersion - Elementary PDPP
Pre-entry Year 1 Year 2

Write DELF (In June if ready)

Link2Practice - French Immersion classroom

Mon passeport franco

French module courses

ED-P 361: French Immersion Practicum 


Mon passeport franco

ED-P 361: English Practicum

March/June write DELF 

ED-P 461: French Immersion Practicum 

Secondary PDPP

There are two slightly different pathways in the Secondary PDPP, for those interested in pursuing a French Immersion practicum:

  • write the DELF the summer in advance of program entry, would would result in the ability to participate in EDCI 476: Organization and Instruction in French Immersion and complete both program practicum placements in French Immersion. 

  • write the DELF after Year 1, which would mean your first practicum would be in English, and your second practicum could be in French Immersion. 

In addition, some Secondary PDPP graduates will return after program completion to participate in EDCI 476 if they wrote the DELF at the end of Year 1 and are still interested in learning the methodology content. 

Pathway to French Immersion - Secondary PDPP
Pre-entry Year 1 Year 2


Write DELF (In June if ready)


Link2Practice - French Immersion school

Mon passeport franco

EDCI 476: Organization and Instruction in French Immersion

ED-P 781: French Immersion Practicum


Mon passeport franco

ED-P 781: English Practicum

March/June write DELF 

ED-P 782: French Immersion Practicum 

Language requirements for a French Immersion practicum 

In order to complete a French Immersion practicum during your teacher education program, teacher candidates must meet the following language requirements:

  1. achieve the DELF B2

  2. complete a French Immersion methodology course (EDCI 476 Organization and Instruction in French Immersion), or, for Elementary PDPP a Link2Practice experience in a French Immersion classroom. 

What is the DELF?

The Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (DELF) and the Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF) are six separate diplomas issued by the French Ministry for National Education to certify french language proficiency. 

The DELF/DALF examinations evaluate language skills in four areas:

  • oral comprehension,
  • oral expression,
  • written comprehension,
  • written expression.

UVic teacher education uses the DELF as the required evidence for french language proficiency in order to complete a french immersion practicum. 

DEFL/DALF Framework

  •  (CEFRL)






















UVic DELF examination schedule

Normally there are DELF-DALF examinations three to four times a year, hosted in person and on campus by the Department of French and Francophone studies. 

Generally there are sittings in: 

  • March and/or November (Tout Public, B1-B2)
  • May (Junior, A1 to B2) 
  • June (Tout Public, A1 to C2)

Cost of DELF and DALF: see .

For the complete schedule of testing options, please visit the Department of French and Francophone Studies

To indicate your interest, please email

Mon passeport franco

Mon passeport franco
is a French language and culture program for all Education students who are interested in a future teaching career in French language education.

The passeport aims to: 

  • support you in the continued development of your French language skills,
  • build intercultural competency through multiple cultural and language experiences in French,
  • develop a positive professional identity as a French teacher, and
  • help students develop a disposition towards lifelong professional learning in French

Highlights of the passeport include: 

  • Language coaching
  • Café-conversations
  • Séances-Franco
  • SD 61 volunteer experience program
  • DELF B2 preparation workshops


Questions? Contactez Madeleine Challies: 

These initiatives to support French Education are subject to the continued funding for French Education programs by the Ministry of Education and Child Care.

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