
Combined logos

Core brand units and core brand extensions can use their name combined with the UVic logo. Size, colour and spacing standards are the same as for the core logo. Core brand units and extensions can use their combined logos for communications and marketing purposes in the following instances, otherwise the core logo is more appropriate:

  • Websites
  • Sponsorship recognition
  • When space is limited (e.g. on a pen)
  • Internal communication purposes (e.g. digital signage, internal invite, etc.)

In print and other electronic materials aimed at external audiences use the core logo, with the unit name identified in a prominent header if required.

On UVic websites there is a distinct layout for combined logos. Units or initiatives that don't have a combined logo can use a sub-unit bar in the web template.

Please note that colour box logos have been discontinued.

Horizontal combined logo example
An example of a horizontal combined logo.
Vertical combined logo example
An example of a vertical combined logo.