
Technical specs


The dynamic edge is used horizontally, vertically or at an angle (generally 109 degrees).


The dynamic edge should be used proportionally to the page where it's being placed. When the dynamic edge is used as a page accent or over a photo, its ends should bleed off the page whenever possible.


  • The full colour version is used in most applications
  • Greyscale is used sparingly when black and white is required
  • One (core) colour versions are used sparingly as accents

Dynamic edge colour usage


The order of the colours in the dynamic edge is (i) yellow, red, dark blue, blue, or (ii) blue, dark blue, red, yellow (from top to bottom on the horizontal version or left to right on the vertical version). The element can be rotated by 180 degrees to best fit the material it's being used on.

Dynamic edge rotation


The dynamic edge can be used as a full page background, an accent on a page (e.g. in the corner, running up one side, across the top, bottom or middle) and over top of a photo.

When used over a photo, it's placed in a way that enhances the photo without covering up the primary focus. On photos with a neutral background, it's used with a multiply transparency effect (Photoshop technique) set to 100%. On photos with a lot going on, full opacity usually works better so that the element doesn't compete with the photo.

Dynamic edge transparency example