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Engagement Tour spring term 2024

Updated June 24, 2024

The Spring 2024 Engagement Tour, a follow up to the 2022 Listening Tour, aimed to gather further insights and perspectives from leaders, faculty, librarians, and staff across campus regarding strategic initiatives. This included discussions about institutional priorities and academic planning, including the new Faculty of Health, revenue diversification and opportunities for collaboration to further operationalize UVic’s academic and research mission. 


During the Tour, the Vice-President Academic and Provost met with 11 leadership teams from the faculties and library. The following themes emerged from these discussions, linked to priorities in UVic's Strategic Plan.

Strategic partnerships: Leaders, faculty, librarians and staff emphasized the importance of fostering partnerships, both internal and external, to enhance the academic offerings and research initiatives at UVic. This included collaborations between faculties, interdisciplinary programs, and engagement with external organizations to drive innovation and excellence. Partnering for a shared future.

Decolonization and Indigenization: A significant focus was placed on decolonizing and Indigenizing academic curricula and spaces. Departments discussed current efforts to decolonize their programs, while other departments and faculties explored opportunities for Indigenous engagement and community partnerships. ʔetal nəwəl | ÁTOL,NEUEL

Student success and support: Ensuring the success and well-being of students was highlighted as a major priority by all leaders, faculty, staff and librarians. Discussions highlighted the need for enhanced support mechanisms, including academic accommodations, accessibility initiatives, and personalized student experiences. Efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion were also underscored as essential for fostering an inclusive learning environment. People, place & the planet.

Space optimization and planning: The optimization of physical spaces emerged as a key consideration for supporting academic activities. Discussions revolved around transforming spaces to accommodate collaborative research, innovative teaching methods, and student engagement. Suggestions included re-purposing library spaces, the potential renovation of existing facilities, and integrating digital learning environments where appropriate. Culture of change & transformation.

Technological innovation: An emphasis was placed on the integration of technology to enhance teaching, research, and administrative processes. Discussions encompassed the use of artificial intelligence (AI), digital learning platforms, and data analytics to optimize academic operations and improve student learning outcomes. Culture of change & transformation.

Continuing education and lifelong learning: The importance of continuing education and professional development opportunities was highlighted. The significance of micro-credentials, professional programs, and lifelong learning initiatives were discussed as essential pieces for meeting the diverse educational needs of learners beyond the traditional academic pathways. Partnering for a shared future.

Next steps

The VPAC Office will update the Academic Action Plan to reflect some of the goals and strategic initiatives that were discussed along with actionable steps to advance these priorities.

Thank you to the academic leadership teams that participated in the Spring 2024 Engagement Tour. Your feedback is important both for refining and realizing the academic and research mission of the university.