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Development of an academic action plan

August 22, 2023 (updated March 11, 2024)

The Vice-President Academic and Provost portfolio is creating a new academic plan or framework to support effective implementation of the new Strategic Plan and other institutional plans.

The plan will provide the framework for how academic programming; student enrolment and the student experience; and faculty and staff recruitment, retention and professional development opportunities can advance the strategic goals of the university while also meeting our mandate and other priorities of key community, government and other external partners.


To develop an academic plan and roadmap that will ensure successful implementation of the university’s institutional plans and key external commitments through actions, goals and initiatives.


The plan will be organized around priority areas of the VPAC portfolio’s responsibility, with key performance indicators aligned with institutional plans.

Student life

  • Recruitment, retention and success
  • Wellness and affordability
  • Student outcomes
  • Work-integrated learning

Fostering innovation

  • Research-enriched teaching and learning
  • Interdisciplinary scholarship
  • Graduate education

Scholarly culture

  • Equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging
  • Collegiality and mentorship
  • Reputation and risk

Process and timeline

During a fall 2022 Listening Tour, the Vice-President Academic and Provost engaged with academic leaders, faculty, librarians and staff across campus to hear thoughts, ideas and feedback on UVic’s academic mission in the context of the new strategic plan. Discussion questions included where UVic should focus efforts over the next five years with respect to the academic mission and portfolio; what’s working well and what’s not; and what are some new and exciting ideas that we should explore together as an academic community.

In early 2023, at the conclusion of the Listening Tour and in anticipation of the new Strategic Plan, the Provost appointed the Deputy Provost to develop a framework to determine how the academic portfolio could support the Strategic Plan and other university plans. The Deputy Provost is working with Deans and other leaders to develop the first iteration of the plan in spring 2024. We expect to launch the inaugural plan in April 2024.

It will be available as a website, updated regularly and as part of the annual review process with academic leaders to demonstrate progress towards our goals as well as to incorporate new and evolving goals.