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Survey on a health-related faculty at UVic

The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

September 5, 2023

Dear colleagues,

Senate has tasked a committee with exploring new structures for housing health programming at the 番茄社区. Without predetermining the results, one possible outcome is a new faculty to house existing health programs and enhance opportunities for future health programming. This would not be a net new faculty, but a reimagining and restructuring of an existing faculty or faculties.

Do you have suggestions on the focus of a new health-related faculty? The foundational units? The structure? Opportunities and risks to consider? The name? We invite all faculty, librarians, staff and students to complete our confidential survey:


The survey will take an estimated 10-30 minutes to complete and is open until Sept. 25. The committee will rely on the results to determine next steps in this process including future consultation opportunities. We will keep our community updated as this work progresses, including through our project web page. If you have questions, please reach out to us at healthfaculty@uvic.ca.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important consultation.

Helga Kristín Hallgrímsdóttir

Professor, School of Public Administration
Deputy Provost, Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost
Chair, Senate Committee on Academic Health Programming