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Restoration of Natural Systems

In this program you’ll learn about ecological restoration. You'll study:

  • changes to the environment
  • recovery strategies

Potential careers

 What can you do with a restoration of natural systems diploma? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:

  • environmental restoration practitioner
  • natural resource manager
  • natural resources conservation specialist
  • naturalist education specialist
  • land reserve manager
  • restoration ecologist
  • restoration technician
  • land and resource coordinator
  • landscape restoration technician
  • field technician
  • shoreline naturalization technician
  • restoration technician
  • watershed planning technician
  • wetland habitat technician
  • habitat restoration technician
  • stewardship assistant
  • ecological restoration consultant
  • project manager, field and stream rescue team
  • watershed restorationist
  • remediation specialist
  • sociologist
  • conservation biologist
  • park botanist
  • rangeland ecologist
  • environmental scientist
  • hydrologist
  • agrologist
  • forester

Find a career that fits you

Experience & connections

Opportunities in the restoration of natural systems program

  • With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work. 

Opportunities outside your program

  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.
  • Join the to lead and support restoration actions  on and off campus.
  • Present at the conference to connect with mentors and peers.

Networks you can connect to

Here are a few professional associations related the restoration of natural systems


Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the restoration of natural systems program offer extensive hands-on learning.


ER 312A - Field Study in Ecological Restoration I
Apply field surveying methods

ER 312B - Field Study in Ecological Restoration II
Review and apply field techniques 

ER 326 - Traditional Systems of Land and Resource Management
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Examine how restoration strategies benefit from relationships with Indigenous peoples

ER 328 – Forest Restoration and Sustainable Forestry
Explore the issues, principles and concepts of forest restoration

ER 329 Mining Reclamation
Look at the impacts of mines and mining practices on natural systems and landscapes. 

ER 331 - Urban Restoration and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Examine how an ecological perspective can be applied to restoring urban areas

ER 334 – Soil Conservation and Restoration
Look at the characteristics of soils and their relationship to restoration

ER 335A Restoration of Freshwater Aquatic Systems
Learn to take a watershed approach to developing restoration plans

ER 335B Restoration of Marine Aquatic Systems
Explore British Columbia and Washington state marine coastal systems

ER 338 Special Topics in Environmental Restoration
Topics include fire ecology, climate change and others

Publication or conference presentation

ER 390 - Environmental Restoration Project
Write a paper to be published in Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series Journal

Research project

ER 390 - Environmental Restoration Project
Work with community stakeholders on a restoration project

ER 400 - Seminar in Environmental Restoration
Do a presentation for the organization you worked with in ER 390

These courses are not always offered as described.

What you'll learn

Every student at UVic builds skills all employers look for. At UVic Co-op & Career we call these  "competencies". This is what you’ll learn in the restoration of natural systems program.


  • design restoration projects that consider knowledge areas outside your professional area of expertise and include consideration of human factors
  • use scientifically rigorous approaches to restoration projects
  • use dispute resolution practices for consultation and consensus building
  • solve problems encountered in restoration projects
  • understand national and international issues with ecological restoration


  • build a restoration plan that includes a biophysical inventory, restoration goals, implementation plans, monitoring and adaptive management
  • assess projects and make adjustments
  • read and analyze technical reports and scientific publications
  • recognize personal values that affect an individual’s decision
  • present ideas in oral, electronic and written formats
  • work in partnership with other professionals and stakeholders
  • use current mapping and sampling technologies
  • be familiar with the equipment and procedures used to sample the natural environment


  • value and respect the complexity in cultural-ecological interactions
  • recognize and respect the diversity of perspectives and values in environmental issues
  • value interdisciplinary research as well as research across a range of disciplines
  • commit to collaborative practice that includes community engagement
  • respect all knowledge-holders and perspectives
  • act with scholarly integrity in all aspects of research and practice
  • appreciate the tensions and differences between research, advocacy and activism
  • understand the limitations of environmental knowledge and skills and the inherent uncertainties in environmental research
  • be an ecological citizen with a responsibility to others, future generations, equity and environmental justice

What's next?

To explore more visit the restoration of natural systems site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.