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Indigenous Language Revitalization

In this program, you’ll learn how to lead a local language revitalization program. And you’ll learn to support instruction in the recovery and maintenance of Indigenous languages.

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Experience & connections

Opportunities in the Indigenous language revitalization program

  • With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work. 

Opportunities outside your program

  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.

Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the Indigenous language revitalization program offer extensive hands-on learning.


IED 156 - Self-Directed Immersive Language Learning I
IED 256 - Self-Directed Immersive Language Learning II
IED 356 - Self-Directed Immersive Language Learning III
IED 456 - Self-Directed Immersive Language Learning IV      
Take part in self-directed language activities (75-100 hours)

IED 250 - Indigenous Language Teaching Preparation Seminar         
Prepare for your first language practicum

Field experience        

EDCI 403 - Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary or Middle School Science
Spend time in schools to gain experience

EPHE 312  - Overview of Elementary or Middle School Physical Education
Practice teaching school children physical education

IED 158 - Indigenous Language Mentorship I
IED 258 - Indigenous Language Mentorship II
IED 358 - Indigenous Language Mentorship III
IED 458 - Indigenous Language Mentorship IV
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Build oral fluency through mentorship with an Indigenous language speaker (75-100 hrs)

LING 183A - Documentation and Recording for Indigenous Language Reclamation
LING 183B - Advanced Methods for Indigenous Language Documentation  
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Do language preservation or revitalization research with Indigenous communities

LING 185 - Indigenous Language Revitalization Practicum
Learn about local language preservation and revitalization issues under the mentorship of an Elder or fluent speaker (70- or 140-hour work study)


IED 251- Indigenous Language Teaching and Learning Practicum
Gain experience in Indigenous language learning and teaching (3 weeks)

ED-P 351 - Six-Week Practicum (Elementary Education)       
Gain experience in Indigenous language learning and teaching (6 weeks)

ED-P 451 - Nine-Week Practicum (Elementary Education)
Gain experience in Indigenous language learning and teaching (8 weeks)

Professional and technical skill development           

IED 475 - Immersion Language Teaching Methodologies
Learn about the theory and practice of Indigenous language teaching methods

IED 486 - Teaching Indigenous Arts in Elementary and Middle Schools             
Explore principles, practice and methods of instruction

These courses are not always offered as described.

What's next?

To explore more visit the Indigenous language revitalization site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.