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Greek and Roman Studies

In this program you’ll learn about the ancient Mediterranean world. You’ll study:

  • language
  • literature
  • history
  • archaeology
  • Greek and Roman mythology
  • sex and gender in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds
  • reception of the classical world in film and popular culture

Potential careers

What can you do with a Greek and Roman studies degree? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:

  • cultural programs coordinator
  • museum coordinator
  • curator
  • international project coordinator
  • intelligence officer             
  • communications coordinator
  • program manager
  • policy analyst
  • human resources coordinator      
  • tour leader
  • marketing
  • teacher or instructor
  • entrepreneur
  • academia
  • information science
  • instructional design
  • publishing
  • software development

Some of these roles may require post-graduate studies or training. 

Find a career that fits you

Experience & connections

Opportunities in the Greek and Roman studies program

  • With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work. 

Opportunities outside your program

  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.

Networks you can connect to

Here are a few professional associations related to Greek and Roman studies:


Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the Greek and Roman studies program offer extensive hands-on learning.


Co-op work terms
Alternate academic study with paid work terms to gain workplace experience


GRS 203 - Unearthing the Ancient Mediterranean
GRS371 - Archaeology of the Greek World
GRS372 - Archaeology of the Roman World
Work with the Greek and Roman Studies Replica Collection

GRS 361 - Early Greece in Minoan, Mycenaean and Trojan Archaeology
Discuss course topics in structured debates led by student groups

Creative or design project

GRS 376 - Ancient Technology
Reconstruct ancient technologies, machinery, tools and navigational devices


Field school

GRS 395 - Classical Studies Abroad
(international experience)
Study classical monuments and cultural material at international sites

GRS 495 - Practicum in Archaeology
(international experience)
Take part in an excavation, engaging in all aspects of fieldwork

Research project

GRS 376 - Ancient Technology
Reconstruct ancient technologies, machinery, tools and navigational devices

GRS 499 - Graduating Essay in Honours
Research, write and orally present a graduating honours essay

Work experience

Work experience work terms
Take part in a modified co-op program requiring one or two work experiences

Study abroad

Semester in Greece Program
Live and learn in Athens for 7.5 units of UVic credit

These courses are not always offered as described.

What you'll learn

Every student at UVic builds skills all employers look for. At UVic Co-op & Career we call these  "competencies". This is what you’ll learn in the Greek and Roman studies program.

Ancient Greek language and literature

  • understand the vocabulary and grammar of ancient Greek
  • read and analyze texts in ancient Greek
  • translate texts from ancient Greek to English verbally and in writing
  • be familiar with major authors in the ancient Greek literary tradition including Euripides, Herodotus, Plato, Homer, Sophocles and Xenophon
  • understand the major genres of ancient Greek literature including oratory, poetry, drama, comedy, tragedy and epic poetry

Latin language and literature

  • understand the Latin language and literature in Latin
  • read and analyze texts in Latin
  • translate texts from Latin into English and English into Latin

Literary interpretation

  • interpret literary and non-literary texts in the context of the literary tradition
  • understand major critical approaches to the interpretation of literary and non-literary texts
  • analyze and interpret literary and rhetorical strategies in literary and non-literary texts
  • understand literary genres, styles, movements and traditions
  • integrate methods and approaches from a variety of disciplines to enhance your understanding of literary and non-literary texts

Historical awareness

  • understand the civilizations of Greece and Rome through the evidence of literature, history and archeology
  • understand the impact of classical culture in the contemporary world
  • describe past events or issues in historical terms
  • assess historical information, documents and artifacts
  • understand the relationships between historical events and issues

Historical method

  • use a systematic method of inquiry to understand and interpret events and issues in ancient Greece and Rome
  • apply major critical approaches to the interpretation of the history of ancient Greece and Rome
  • understand past events or issues in their historical and historiographic context
  • understand how the study of history involves interpretation of the past based on current perspectives
  • re-evaluate existing understandings of the past as new information and interpretations arise

Political and military perspective

  • interpret historical events and issues in ancient Greece and Rome in their political and military contexts
  • understand the political and military influences on the empires of ancient Greece and Rome
  • understand the ancient Greek views of democracy and their impact on modern democratic theory
  • understand how differing political and military perspectives influence the interpretation of events and issues
  • apply your knowledge of different political, economic and legal systems to understand historical events and issues

Social and cultural perspective

  • interpret material culture from ancient Greece and Rome
  • understand the role of ancient Greece and Rome as the foundations of Western culture
  • recognize key aspects of architecture and material remains and how they changed over time
  • analyze the roles that gender, race, class, religion and ethnicity played in ancient Greece and Rome
  • analyze the roles science and technology played in ancient Greece and Rome and how that influenced modern sciences

What's next?

To explore more visit the Greek and Roman studies site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.