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Biomedical Engineering

A biomedical engineer designs technologies to enhance health care and medicine. In this program you’ll study:

  • engineering
  • human biology
  • clinical practice

Potential careers

What can you do with a biomedical engineering degree? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:

  • biomedical engineer
  • project engineer
  • researcher
  • entrepreneur
  • manufacturing engineer
  • orthopedic engineer
  • systems designer
  • biomechanics engineer
  • product development engineer
  • bioengineer
  • tissue engineer
  • medical imaging
  • rehabilitation engineer
  • intelligence developer
  • health care engineer

Some of these roles may require post-graduate studies or training. 

Find a career that fits you

Experience & connections

Opportunities in the biomedical engineering program

  • With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work. 

Opportunities outside your program

  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.

Networks you can connect to

Here are a few professional associations related to biomedical engineering:


Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the biomedical engineering program offer extensive hands-on learning.


Co-op work terms
Alternate academic study with paid work terms to gain workplace experience


BIOC 299 - Biochemistry for Non-majors  
Study the fundamentals of biochemistry and microbiology

BME 200 - Molecular and Cellular Physiology for Engineers
Learn about molecular and cellular physiology from an engineering perspective

BME 201 - Quantitative Human Physiology
Learn about human physiology and the major organ systems

BME 335 - Biosensors and Instrumentation
Learn about biosensors and instrumentation

BME 350 - Biomedical Engineering Design
Design a biomedical engineering device with a team

BME 401B - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
Learn about bioprinting

BME 403 - Medical Image Processing
Learn about image processing and CT, X-ray, MRI and ultrasound

BME 434 – Biophotonics
Learn how optics are used in biology and photobiology

BME 481 - Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Explore the fundamentals of biomaterials and tissue engineering

CHEM 231 - Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Study the fundamentals of organic chemistry

Creative or design project         

BME 350 - Biomedical Engineering Design
Design a biomedical engineering device with a team

BME 499 - Design Project      
Take on an advanced biomedical design project with a team

ENGR 110 - Design and Communication I
Work on practical projects and engage with industry experts

ENGR 120 - Design and Communication II   
Work on practical projects and engage with industry experts

MECH 335 - Theory of Mechanisms
Design and analyze a mechanism

MECH 458 – Mechatronics
Design a mechanics system, such as a conveyor belt system

BME 401 A - D - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
Do an independent research project on a special topic


CSC 111 - Fundamentals of Programming with Engineering Applications
Explore computation and programming through real-world engineering

BME 200 - Molecular and Cellular Physiology for Engineers             
Labs dealing with molecular and cellular physiology

BME 201 - Quantitative Human Physiology
Labs dealing with respiratory systems and electrophysiology          

BME 320 - Engineering Materials with BME applications    
Explore how engineering materials are used in biomedical engineering

BME 335 - Biosensors and Instrumentation
Learn instruments and systems for working with biomedical data 

Professional and technical skill development  

ENGR 110 - Design and Communication I
ENGR 120 - Design and Communication II
Develop writing and presentation skills

Research project        

BME 490 - Technical Project
Carry out a technical project 

BME 498 - Honours Thesis    
Research, write and orally defend a graduating honours design or research project

Work experience        

MECH 498 - Honours Thesis
ECE 498 Honours Thesis
Research, write and orally defend a graduating honours design or research project

MECH 499 - Technical Project
Conduct and present independent research on a technical project

These courses are not always offered as described.

What you'll learn

Every student at UVic builds skills all employers look for. At UVic Co-op & Career we call these  "competencies". This is what you’ll learn in the biomedical engineering program.

Professional practice

  • prioritize the safety, health and welfare of the public
  • promote health and safety within the workplace
  • take on professional assignments only when qualified
  • maintain confidentiality and avoid conflicts of interest
  • keep informed to maintain competence
  • act with fairness, courtesy and good faith toward clients, colleagues and others
  • extend public knowledge and appreciation of engineering

Reliability, safety and failure analysis

  • understand quality assurance standards and testing procedures
  • ensure that systems or components perform their required functions
  • maintain a current knowledge of safety standards
  • understand the consequences of failure and reduce their impact
  • establish the mean time between failures when assessing reliability


  • gather full requirements for a project
  • understand the client’s needs
  • model a solution using the appropriate tools
  • communicate the design process to the client
  • use designs that are safe and effective
  • understand how a design integrates into its environment

Engineering tools 

  • design equipment and systems using a variety of software packages
  • simulate mechanical and electronic systems using the appropriate tools
  • analyze systems, equipment and data using the correct tools
  • operate mechanical equipment in a lab or workshop
  • use electronics and electrical equipment 
  • develop software and scripts in a variety of environments and languages
  • use computer software and systems 
  • understand and use databases
  • research and recommend new tools where existing tools are inadequate
  • choose tools based on their strengths and weaknesses

Engineering knowledge

  • understand the mathematical fundamentals of engineering
  • use the correct statistical methods to analyze and investigate data
  • understand the natural sciences for their discipline of engineering
  • maintain a comprehensive knowledge of engineering fundamentals
  • understand engineering economics
  • understand how engineering specifics integrate into a larger project
  • study related subjects to aid a project’s success

Biological systems

  • understand physiology at a molecular and cellular level
  • understand organic chemistry
  • use the fundamentals of mechanical or electrical engineering to solve issues in medicine and health care
  • design medical instruments, devices and software

What's next?

To explore more visit the biomedical engineering site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.