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Applied Ethics

In this interdisciplinary minor program you'll study ethics from different perspectives. 

Potential careers

What can you do with an applied ethics degree? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:

  • clinical ethicist
  • communications coordinator
  • human resources coordinator
  • labour relations officer
  • legal professional
  • policy analyst
  • risk analyst

Some of these roles may require post-graduate studies or training. 

Find a career that fits you

Experience & connections

  • Career Services offers programs, workshops and support during your time at UVic and beyond. 
  • With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
  • Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.

Hands-on learning opportunities

These courses in the applied ethics program offer extensive hands-on learning.


CYC 230 - Introduction to CYC Practice in Indigenous Contexts
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Uncover the impacts of colonization and understand your own personal location

CYC 240 - Ethical Decision-Making in Child and Youth Care Practice
Learn about decision making by using critical thinking strategies

CYC 250 - Law, Indigenous People and the TRC Calls to Action         
Visit a local court to explore the legal context of child and youth care practice

ES 341  - Past, Present, and Future Ecologies
Examine the effects of ecological and cultural awareness on restoration

ER 314 - Ethical, Legal and Policy Aspects of Environmental Restoration
Explore the relationship between environmental values and the policy framework

PHIL 232 - Moral Problems of Contemporary Society            
Critically assess the practical ethical dimensions of topics like abortion, racism, etc.

PHIL 330 - Professional and Business Ethics  
Discuss ethical issues with guest speakers (business members or professionals)

POLI 363 - Indigenous Politics in Canada
POLI 367 - The Politics of Race in Canada
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)           
Explore course content by engaging with Indigenous and other guest speakers

SOCW 350A - Social Work, Social Justice and the Law            
Examine the legal issues disadvantaged or marginalized populations face

SOCW 471 - Addictions Theory and Practice
Use critical reflection to articulate your own perspective on addiction

SOCW 491 - Integration of Indigenous Approaches to Healing and Helping             
Integrate approaches from SOCW 391 (Indigenous Approaches to Healing and Helping) into your own ethical perspective

TS 300 - Networking, New Media and Social Practices
Explore the use of social networks and personal technological devices             

GNDR 207 - Gender, Globalization and the Love Industry
GNDR 341 - Indigenous Women's Autobiographies
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)           
Explore course content by engaging with Indigenous guest speakers

GNDR 340 - Indigenous Cinema Decolonizing the Screen
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities) 
Engage with filmmakers and Indigenous guest speakers

Field experience          

BIOL 215 - Principles of Ecology          
Examine ecological field methods

ES 423 - Traditional Systems of Land and Resource Management  
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)           
Examine the benefits of traditional ecological knowledge on restoration strategies

GEOG 209 - Introduction to Environmental Management    
Learn about local environmental management practice through field trips

GNDR 206 - Monstrous Women
Undertake an act of resistance through a globalization action assignment

Professional or technical skill development   

GEOG 373 - Applied Climatology       
Learn to use a wildfire modelling system

Research project         

PHIL 330 - Professional and Business Ethics
Meet with community members to develop an ideal business plan

These courses are not always offered as described.

What's next?

To explore more visit the applied ethics site. For degree planning contact your adviser for help.