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Auditing courses

Auditing is a popular option for anyone who wants to take a course at UVic for fun and interest. Community members and current UVic students can audit up to three units of undergraduate courses in an academic session (most courses are equivalent to 1.5 units).

  • Winter Session includes the Fall (Sept-Dec) and Spring (Jan-Apr) academic terms.
    • If you audit three units in the Fall, you won't be able to audit in the Spring.
  • Summer Session includes courses held from May-August.

There's no limit to how many units you can audit in total.

Important notes

  • You need permission from instructors to audit their courses.
  • No final exams are written and no university credit is awarded.
  • Changing a course from credit to audit is not permitted after the academic drop deadline.
  • Audited courses can't be used to meet admission requirements or as prerequisites for other courses.
  • Once a course had been audited, the course is not open to course challenge.

The academic calendar contains additional considerations for auditors.

If you're a community member and want to receive credit for your courses, consider applying for .

Submit an auditing request

Submit your request to Student Support Services in the Office of the Registrar.

  1. Complete the Undergraduate auditor class entry form.
  2. Contact instructors about auditing their courses. Permission can be granted by:
    • attaching emails from instructors confirming their permission to audit, or
    • having instructors sign the auditor class entry form in the spaces provided.
  3. Submit your completed form by:

Auditing requests are processed after the last day for credit-seeking students to add courses. This ensures that UVic students have the top priority and are able to progress in their degree programs.

  • You can attend classes prior to being registered as an auditor, but may need to request that your instructor grants you access to online resources.
  • If a course is full, you won't be able to audit it.

We'll email you to confirm your registration after your request is processed.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are due no later than one month after the term begins:

  • Fall term: September 30
  • Spring term: January 31
  • Summer session: May 31

You should wait until after your registration has been confirmed to pay your fees.

More information

Contact Student Support Services for more information.