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An official transcript is a confidential document that shows your entire academic record, with the exception of:

  • non-credit courses taken through Continuing Studies
  • courses taken as an auditor
  • dropped courses

An administrative transcript is an unofficial record of your UVic history, and can be viewed and printed through Online tools.

If you're a UVic student applying to another UVic program, you can submit your administrative transcript through Online tools. You don't need to order an official transcript.

What info shows up on a transcript?

Information on official and administrative transcripts
Attribute Official Administrative
Official document Yes No
Fee to request Yes No
University seal and Registrar signature Yes No
Student name First, middle, last (legal name) First and last only
Displays preferred email address No Yes
Displays basis of admission No Yes
Display holds Only displays information relating to a manual record Displays holds that may affect registration
Display transfer credit Abbreviated detail Includes a legend and full detail
Display courses that have been audited No Yes
Display undergrad and Law level undeclared field of study (status is ‘IN PROGRESS’) where applicable No Yes
Display graduate-level sessional GPA and cumulative GPA No Yes
Display non-gradable sections (e.g. labs) No Yes
Display the Academic Writing Requirement No Yes
Display cancelled/withdrawn sessions No Yes
Display admit type Displays only for visiting students Yes
Display student type Displays only international exchange and outgoing exchange student types Displays auditor, international exchange and outgoing exchange
Display courses that were dropped after September 1976 No Yes
Display the term of convocation with the cumulative GPA Yes No
Display applications for graduation No Yes
Display course section number No Yes
Display course and status when status is waitlisted or registration offer No Yes
Display dropped courses with drop date No Yes
Display courses withdrawn under extenuating circumstances Yes—with WE note excluded from calculation of all grade point averages Yes—with a date that relates to the fee refund granted
Display drop deadlines for currently registered course No Yes—online version displays applicable tuition fee drop dates and academic drop dates for currently registered courses

COVID-19 transcript notations

In response to requests from students, the notations below were added to UVic transcripts for academic terms taking place January 2020 - August 2021.

These notations provide context, now and in the future, for the unusual circumstances experienced due to the global pandemic. This additional context may be helpful for students who feel that their registration or grades were impacted by COVID-19.

COVID-19 notations on transcripts
Term Notation

Summer 2020 (May-Aug)
Fall 2020 (Sep-Dec)
Spring 2021 (Jan- Apr)
Summer 2021 (May-Aug)


These notations are displayed on your transcript above the list of your courses and grades for each term, unless:

  • you dropped all of your courses
  • you were registered in courses as an Auditor only
  • you were on leave or not registered

Order official transcripts

If you're sending an official transcript to a post-secondary institution (or another organization), make sure you have their correct delivery method and address. You won't be able to make changes after you submit your order.

Before you order an official transcript, check your administrative transcript to make sure your grades have been posted. We won't delay or refund a transcript order for incoming grades or grade changes.

  • Transcripts are $10.00 per copy. Orders are normally processed within five (5) business days and are non-refundable.
  • Transcripts can be picked up in person, sent via email or mailed through Canada Post.
    • Courier service is available for an additional fee ($30 for destinations within Canada and $47 for all other countries).
  • Transcript orders won't be processed if you owe tuition or other fees to UVic that have been sent to collections.

Frequently asked questions

Call Student Support Services at 250-721-8121 to request your student number.

UVic will not provide your student number by email.

If you expect to graduate in time for the next convocation ceremony, select "Hold for Credential" when you order your transcript. This tells us to delay your transcript order until after your degree or certificate has been approved by Senate.

"Hold for Credential" orders are usually processed within five days of Senate approval.

Send your third-party document to studentsupport@uvic.ca. Don't submit a transcript order until we've responded to your email with further instructions.

If your request is urgent, call Student Support Services at 250-721-8121.

Order your transcript from the .

Transcript legend

You can view the current legend displayed on the official transcript. You'll find supplemental information below.

The 番茄社区’s primary language of instruction is English.

UVic uses the grading systems shown in the UVic academic calendar. We use a percentage scale that translates to a 9-point grade point average (GPA)/letter-grade system. We display comparative grading when appropriate.

Comparative grading N/A

N/A appears if comparative grading is not available. This may happen if:

  • the class had less than six students
  • you have a temporary grade
  • fewer than 80% of the grades have been submitted

Grading system before summer session 2012

Effective September 1965 UVic used the letter grades and grade point values shown on the legend below.

The 番茄社区 used a numeric grading system. The maximum mark obtainable was 150, with a pass being 75. Each mark was assigned a standing as follows:

  • Class I: 120 - 150 (80%-100%)
  • Class II: 98 - 119 (65% - 79%)
  • Pass: 75 - 97 (50% - 64%) 

The following abbreviations appear on transcripts:

  • S: Supplemental
  • F: Failed
  • D: Deferred
  • N: Did not write or incomplete
  • E: Exempt
  • C: Completed
  • DR: Dropped
  • DUP: Duplicate
  • M/X: Mutually exclusive

Note on the DU and M/X notations

These two abbreviations show that credit has not been granted for the same (DUP) or a similar (M/X) course. You can only get credit for a course once. Find more information on duplicate and mutually exclusive courses.

UVic has the following classifications of student status:

  • Regular
  • Regular (outgoing exchange)
  • Special
    • non-degree
    • visiting
    • qualifying
    • international exchange
    • Canadian university graduate transfer
    • graduate research
    • Western Deans' Agreement

Your program of study will appear below each session heading. Details won’t appear until you’ve formally declared your program.

We admit all doctoral students as provisional candidates until they’ve passed their candidacy exams.

You can find current sessional GPA and academic standing regulations in the calendar:

You may sometimes receive credit for courses that doesn’t apply to your specific degree program. The recording of credit is no guarantee that this credit applies to your degree.

Sessional standing (graduate students)

Effective 2008 summer session, an explanation of sessional standing for graduate students will appear where they have completed course work at UVic. Sessional standings are:

  • In Good Academic Standing: If you have a sessional grade point average of 5.0 or above, you have good academic standing.
  • Review Required: If you have a sessional grade point average of 0.00 to 4.99, you are in unsatisfactory standing. The students' supervisory committee will place you under review with a recommendation to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Registration will be blocked in the next session until the Dean gives you approval to register. ‘Review Required’ will appear on your subsequent sessions until you’ve satisfied your remedial requirements.
  • Standing Pending Grades: We can't assign academic standing for the session cannot until all missing grades have been submitted.
  • Standing Pending Grades - Registration Blocked: We can't assign academic standing for the session until academic performance has been reviewed.

We base your cumulative grade point average (GPA) on courses that you took or challenged in session(s) where a final sessional GPA has been determined.

Excluded courses are:

  • those with grades of COM, F/X or N/X
  • courses taken on exchange since 2003 summer session
  • undergraduate supplemental grades

If you take a course beyond your first undergraduate degree, we’ll calculate a further cumulative GPA. It will exclude the courses you completed before you got your first degree. This also applies if you transfer to the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)/Juris Doctor (J.D.) program.

The requirements for the Juris Doctor (J.D.) are the same as those for the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B). Only the degree name changed. If you were awarded the LL.B. degree before November 2010, you can exchange your LL.B degree parchment for a J.D. degree parchment. The LL.B. degree designation will remain unchanged on your official transcript.

The notation "with distinction" indicates that your graduating GPA is within the top 20% of those graduating in your academic unit. This designation is not available with the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Graduate Studies or the Division of Continuing Studies.

For more information, see the academic calendar: standing at graduation.

A dual degree program that was jointly supervised and awarded by UVic and a partner university is a PhD dual degree. It has been approved by the university Senate. You must complete your PhD courses, candidacy exam and dissertation within the dual degree program. The degree parchment provided by each institution will reference the dual nature of your program.

If you complete courses on an approved exchange program, we enter them on your transcript as exchange credit. No letter grades are assigned. Your transcript will only indicate whether you passed or failed.

Contact us

Contact Student Support Services for help.