
Tools for Change: Preventing Sexualized Violence at UVic

Two facilitators at a sexualized violence prevention workshop
Two facilitators at a sexualized violence prevention workshop

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for students who want to be a part of a culture shift at UVic. It is especially important and useful for those who have not taken sexualized violence prevention training in the past and/or those with want to learn more about UVic’s work to prevent sexualized violence.

What is our approach?

The workshop is highly interactive and focused on learning skills. Attendees are invited to participate in accessible discussions and group activities. Students who have attended in the past have said, “Participation activities did not make me uncomfortable, it was easy to participate in post-its and discussions… thanks to the language the presenters used it did not feel like we were walking on eggshells yesterday and I was a lot more comfortable participating in discussions.”

What is covered?

Students will come away with:

  • a deep understanding of what sexualized violence is and how to challenge the attitudes and beliefs that lead to sexualized violence
  • practical tips, and everyday language, to meaningfully ask for consent, to say no to an invitation or offer, and also how to hear no (which can be hard!)
  • a range of strategies for preventing sexualized violence
  • knowledge of the resources and supports available at UVic for students

What have we heard about the workshop?

Students who have participated in the workshop have commented:

  • “what was most effective for me was exercises that encouraged you to reflect within yourself, communicate and share with others, and discuss these thoughts”
  • “I found the part of the training that unpacked reasons why someone may say no very helpful in addressing the underlying reasons why people may not ask for consent. Also practicing daily ways of asking for consent and encouraging sentence starters that did not sound robotic or unrealistic”
  • “I took away extremely useful and practical information”
  • “the presenters were very good at engaging the crowd and being inclusive of all opinions and thoughts shared”
  • “It was a great experience, thank you so much!”

If you would like to book a special session for a group of 20 students or more, please email .

Thanks for being a part of the change at UVic!