

Beyond Bystander Intervention: Creating a Culture of Care and Accountability in Sport

This virtual panel will address how to put active bystander intervention into practice within the context of athletics and sports teams.

Hosted by the 番茄社区, Simon Fraser University, Capilano University, and the University of British Columbia

Join us for an online panel discussion with Brennan Bastyovansky, Georgette Reed, and Nangghaahlaangstangs about sexual violence prevention and intervention in sport. Panelists will share stories and perspectives on how we can take bystander intervention from one moment of action to an ongoing practice.

During this event, we'll discuss the following questions:

  • What can we do to overcome the discomfort of either intervening in the moment or providing ongoing support?
  • What can we do when a whole team is impacted by an incident or ongoing incidents of sexualized violence?
  • What is possible for teams when it comes to restorative practices such as accountability and community care?

Date and time: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST)

Location: Online

View a recording of the session below. 


 Sexualized Violence Awareness Week 2020 banner with hands texting on a phone

UVic is always actively working to raise awareness and prevent sexualized violence. This is your one-stop-shop for all UVic campus events focused on these efforts.

Sexualized Violence Awareness Week

UVic (Office of Student Life, Equity & Human Rights), the UVSS, and the Anti-Violence Project invite you to join us for a week of information, workshops, and events on the topic of sexualized violence prevention. Running from September 21-25, 2020, there will be a variety of opportunities for students and community members to engage in learning and support options on campus.

Events Schedule

All events are free, but require registration. Zoom links will be emailed out upon registration. Event attendees will have a chance to win two $75 gift cards from .

Tuesday, Sept. 22 Wednesday, Sept. 23 Thursday, Sept. 24

(4:30 pm - 5:00 pm)

(6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

(11:00 am - 12:30 pm)

(10:00 am - 11:00 am)

(5:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

(6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

Event Details


Rewriting the Rulebook: Sexualized Violence in Sports

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020, 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Pam Buisa knows what it's like to balance pro-sports with movements for social change. As a member of Team Canada, she traveled around the world playing rugby. At home, she leads the Black Lives Matter movement. Christine O'Bonsawin researches, writes, and teaches sport, Olympic, and Indigenous histories. Together, they will use their experiences to critically engage with athletes’ experiences of sexualized violence, and how we can build a safer sports culture.

About the Speakers:

Pamphinette Buisa was born in the Algonquin Anishinabe territory, also known as Ottawa, Ontario, and lived most of her life in Gatineau, QC. She moved to the territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən, Esquimalt, and Songhees peoples, also known as Victoria BC, to pursue her Olympic dreams and is currently competing on the National Sevens Women’s Rugby Team. In addition to pursuing her degree at UVic studying Political Science with a minor in Social Justice, she connects with different disenfranchised demographics such as unhoused folks, people who use substances, and the BIPOC community. She strives to evoke intersectional approaches to create intentional and deeply rooted relationships.

Christine O'Bonsawin (Abenaki) is an Associate Professor in Indigenous Studies and History at UVic. Her scholarship mainly focuses on Indigenous peoples' legal and political rights in settler colonial Canada related to hosting the Olympic Games (and other mega-sporting events) on unceded and treaty lands.


Bringing in the Bystander: UVic’s Bystander Intervention Workshop

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Bringing in the Bystander teaches students how to overcome resistance to checking in and intervening when they observe the potential for sexualized violence to occur. By empowering students to become pro-social bystanders, we hope to create a compassionate community response to preventing sexualized violence and fostering a safer environment on campus.

Students receive a certificate of completion, co-curricular record credit, and are entered to win a draw of $250 tuition credits.


Consent 2.0: Navigating Sexual Harassment Experienced Online

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Join from the to discuss how sexualized violence shows up online and what to do when you see it or experience it. This includes talking about how to practice consent in the digital world, including some do’s and don’ts. You will learn about the resources and supports that are offered at UVic to support those who have been impacted by sexualized violence in-person and online.


Sex Positivity

Date: Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Join facilitators from the to explore the subject of Sex Positivity. In this workshop, you will gain an understanding of central concepts surrounding sex positivity, as well as a critical understanding of sex negativity and tips for combating sex negative culture. We will explore shame, and will offer concrete strategies for having sex positive conversations. You will leave this workshop with a strong connection to resources on campus, in the community, and online to continue supporting your learning journey.


Sex and Consent in Canada: What’s okay, What isn’t and Why

Date: Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Sometimes it’s hard to say or hear no, especially in a new culture where the rules around sexual consent are different. From sexting to sex, Arshdeep Grewal and Dip Nag discuss how to navigate dating and consent as an international student in Canada.

About the Speakers:

Arshdeep Grewal is a Multicultural Outreach Service Worker at MOSAIC BC, a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive services for immigrants, newcomers and refugees settling in Canada. Currently, Arshdeep is working on the Enhance Access to Safety for International Students initiative, which focuses on providing education and awareness around Canadian law, resources, and sexualized violence for international students in rural B.C.

Dipayan Nag is your Director of International Student Relations for the UVSS! Before working with the UVSS, he was involved in campus as a student leader within the Indian students’ community as well as a part of the Model UN club. Dipayan is honoured to be included in this conversation, as he believes in building a campus where people can belong without fear of harm, and where they can reach their zenith.


Tools for Change: Preventing Sexualized Violence at UVic Workshop

Date: Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: Zoom (link to be sent once registered)

Description: Tools for Change participants will take away a deep understanding of what sexualized violence is and how to challenge the attitudes and beliefs that lead to sexualized violence. Students will learn practical tips, and everyday language, to meaningfully ask for consent, to say no to an invitation or offer, and also how to hear no (which can be hard!), and the resources and supports available at UVic for students.

Students receive a certificate of completion, co-curricular record credit, and are entered to win a draw of $250 tuition credits.