
Frequently Asked Questions for Workshops

Who are the workshops for?

The Sexualized Violence Resource Office (SVRO) provides training to students, staff, and faculty.

Undergraduate students interested in training can register for Tools for Change.

Graduate students can register for Tools for Change or a tailored program aimed at graduate students called, Social and Professional Competency Training which includes sexualized violence prevention content.

We also offer tailored training called Preventing and Responding to Sexualized Violence at UVic: Training for Staff and Faculty. It is offered several times a year.

Why should I take this training?

You should take one of our prevention and response training sessions if you:

  • have never taken the training and are employed or volunteer at UVic.
  • have not taken the training in over 2 years.
  • want to create a culture free from Sexualized Violence at UVic!
In addition, staff and faculty have a responsibility under the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy to know how to receive a Disclosure of Sexualized Violence on campus, and to be familiar with all the support and response options available to members of the UVic Community. Staff and faculty have an important part to play in role-modelling respect and Consent as an everyday practice and setting the bar of expectations as an institution. 

We aim to equip all students, staff, and faculty with the necessary information to actively prevent Sexualized Violence from happening, and to respond in a Trauma-informed and Survivor-centred manner when it does occur.

What will I learn?

Depending on the specific workshop you choose, you will learn:

  • what is Sexualized Violence (SV).
  • who is most impacted by SV and why.
  • how to receive a Disclosure.
  • how to support and appropriately refer Survivors.
  • policy and support options and pathways.
  • everyday practices of Consent, respect and boundary setting.
  • how to intervene to prevent Sexualized Violence.

When should I take a training like this?

Ideally, you want to take a training at least once every 3 years as there are regular updates to the training based on corresponding policy updates and in response to emerging trends and patterns in both prevention work and sexualized violence incident. We regularly update our programming to be relevant and responsive to the needs of the UVic community.

Scheduling training sessions regularly allows for the maintenance of collective shared understanding and development of relevant awareness, and is effective as a means of preventing harm from happening.

How do I book training?

If you would like to book a training, reach out to svpproject@uvic.ca or svpcoordinator@uvic.ca to schedule a training session, discuss tailoring workshop material to better reflect the experiences of your unit, or ask any other questions you may have regarding the Sexualized Violence prevention resources or education opportunities for staff and faculty at UVic.